I think I figured out the whole shitterree - let me know if this resonates with you after you read it all:
a comment I made this morning to someone: Tonago
1 second ago
@Space Ghost I have figured out the blood sacrifice aspect I believe. It all goes back to the reptilians and the reptilian infusion into the hybrids - its in their dna literally hence the satanics, the secret trans people, the adrenochrome, human trafficking, some of the humans involved are demonic via satanism others are part reptilian or more themselves and literally need the blood and adreno to maintain their shapeshift and go undetected. My latest theory why all the celebs keep the adreno secret of the elites is that I believe when you ingest adreno you can actually see who are all the reptilian people - just like the movie Fear and Loathing shows you. That is the secret they convey to each other via the SHHHH masonic symbolism - they all know the reptilian reality the new light is about to show the rest of us when we shortly will be able to see who is who without all the facade. I actually also believe entire populations of certain countries are also reptilian - like millions and millions their citizens.