GAME OVER... EXPLOSIVE and a MUST WATCH. How do I begin? Heh heh... The Shit is about to hit the fan. Maybe you've been on the fence about Mr. Apocalypse and The Awakening? We'll see where you are once you have watched this. There is this young lady standing behind Rudy and next to the inimitable Sidney Powell. She had this barely contained smile on her face throughout and then SHE SPOKE! Holy Cowabunga, Yogi!!! She is definitely smarter than the average bear.
Yes... this is their opening statement in The Court of Public Opinion. They aren't in court yet. I don't know if it will go to court, given the incendiary nature of what this team of lawyers have, and mind you, they didn't bring out the Big Guns Smoking but they mentioned them.
Rudy Giuliani mentioned George Soros; oh my!!! He mentioned him financing Antifa and BLM! Careers are about to be ruined. One of the major political parties in this country is due to be tattered and torn and left in shambles. Like all the King's Men, this Humpty Dumpty CANNOT be put back together again and... oh boy, did he let the Fake News have it? Yes, he did.
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