Before we get into it today, let's start out with some lighthearted fun. This was probably necessary before they begin to install elevators and garage door openers.
Let us PRESUME that The Apocalypse is REAL. Let us PRESUME The Awakening is REAL. Let us acknowledge that we are now in the opening moments of The Aquarian Age. An age lasts 2,150 years, give or take. Some (like me) say 2,200 years and people who suffer from Anal Retentive Math Syndrome want to round it off to 2,000 years because it doesn't make their brain hurt. A Great Year is comprised of 26,000 years and since that clock goes backward, we can PRESUME that the most recent Great Year started with The Piscean Age. This might account for Jesus THE Christ being The King of Kings. I'm reaching here, but I've learned to TRUST my Intuition.
Let me say that the ticking watch of Cosmic Time is much like a fine contemporary watch, where gears of various sizes turn at different rates of revolution. In the cosmic sense, let us look at the seasons, which breaks up each year into demarcations of '4'. A year is composed of 365 days and because of fractional concerns, they add a day every '4' years. This is determined according to the movement of The Earth in relation to The Sun. I'm not going to refer to The Sun rotating around The Earth. You know, how we say, “The Sun rises and sets?” Occasionally, I will be confronted by A.R Syndrome people who object to my using terms we all use, and which I use because we all understand the matter a certain way. It doesn't make it right, but NOTHING goes wrong in any ACTUAL sense by the mention, since SOME OF US KNOW what the truth is. Oh never mind!
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