Texas, now joined by a sizeable number of other States seeking to
intervene, has brought this original action in this Court, seeking
to reestablish constitutional order in the selection of electors
who will select the next President and Vice President of the
United States. Texas’ basic claim is that the Constitution
requires that in all states, the manner of selecting electors must
be determined by the state legislatures. The defendant states have
selected electors based on a manner established by governors,
judges, secretaries of state, elections officials, and private
parties, usurping the authority of state legislatures.
This is no small matter. The Framers of the Constitution vested
the exclusive authority to determine the manner of selecting
electors to the state legislatures because that was the body that
they believed could be best trusted to avoid corruption and
foreign interference in the selection of our nation’s Chief
Executive. Texas has demonstrated that the election process
changes made in the defendant states have not only usurped state
legislative authority, but also have generated completely
unreliable results — exactly what the Framers feared. The
defendant states may bristle at Texas and the intervening states
objecting to defendant states’ internal election procedures, but
they would be wrong.It is the defendant states that have broken
the constitutional bargain that has existed since the beginning of
our Republic. If individual states are allowed to disregard the
constraints posed on them by the Constitution, they do great
violence to the bonds that bind together the states. This nation
depends on each state operating not independently, but
interdependently, as part of a Union. The persons chosen as
electors by a process which violates the Constitution are wholly
unqualified to serve in that role. Their selection must be
Vacated, and the matter returned to state legislatures to appoint
electors who will select our next president of the United States.
If this Court does not now act to restore constitutional order,
the trust and cohesion on which our Republic is grounded will be
torn asunder.
This Court is the only institution that can provide a multi-state
remedial platform to restore trust into our Presidential selection
Read the entire submission to the Supreme Court at the link below . . .