It is such a pleasure to watch a professional at work. I am talking about Mr. Apocalypse. Every time it looks like he might be hitting his stride, he takes it up a notch. Somehow he has dovetailed with The Great Conjunction. It's V for Victory my friends. The two most powerful planets in the Solar System, (excepting The Sun, which all the planets rotate around) Jupiter and Saturn, are about to network for The Greater Good. In the last posting, I talked about the qualities that Jupiter and Saturn express in the human drama, as main instruments in the Cosmic Symphony, which creates and performs, The Music of the Spheres.
There is a malicious torpor that is creeping across the landscape. It has possessed the minds of people at every level of influence and is causing them to work against the greater good. They are mesmerized by The Darkness, and working in all ways contrary to The Angels of our Better Nature. They will not prevail, nor will the CONSCIOUS agents of Darkness, who speak into their minds with perverse urging, with empty promises, and most of all, with intimidation and fear. They will not prevail because The Great Awakening is intensifying by the moment, and riding the crest of the wave, with top hat and coattails, with his walking stick, is Mr. Apocalypse. They will prevail! The Great Awakening, and Mr. Apocalypse WILL PREVAIL.
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