Yesterday, December 14, alternative slates of electors pledged to Donald Trump, in the battleground and contested states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada, were forwarded to Congress. Despite the attempt by Michigan’s female Napoleon Bonaparte impersonator, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, to wield police to prevent Republican electors from meeting officially in that state’s electoral college proceedings, a slate of electors pledged to Trump was also forwarded from Michigan to Congress.
President Trump has not stopped fighting. He says he still has options and that the final determinative date of this battle under the Constitution is January 20, 2021. He is right. There are still lawsuits pending in the states where massive fraud was conducted. Without the terror campaign directed at judges because of the electoral college schedule, it is possible something could break there. The state legislature in Michigan is continuing its investigation of fraud claims because the citizens of that state have insisted on it. The same pitchforks need to be applied to state legislators in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Nevada. Citizens need to let them know that their investigations must become even more serious, more determined to document the fraud and identify the criminals who conducted it.