When I was a little boy, my father told me that he went to war (WWII), so that I would not have to. He wanted his children to grow up in peace, as I am sure we all do. Perhaps, the children of my father’s generation (myself included), failed to remember that the Liberty Tree must be tended continually with vigilance and education, otherwise a rot sets in that can only be cured with a much harsher regimen. One can certainly argue that many of us baby-boomers dropped the ball big time.
It was not easy, but I have waited until this day to call out the liars, and deceivers connected to the Q Cult (Yes, I said it!) that plagues the internet. If anyone has ever tried to get to the truth about such things as Atlantis, JFK, UFO's, Bigfoot, etc. One will have noted the plethora of hoaxes that make it especially difficult for honest researchers to gather real evidence amid the deafening noise of lies, double speak and pure nonsense that hoaxers love to propagate. Some of these time-wasters are simply bored and enjoy stirring up controversy, some seek notoriety, and some even claim to be bringing awareness to something they ‘truly’ believe in—all the while, stifling any real interest. Without a doubt, the most common motive is to take money from gullible people, of which there is no shortage.
To be fair, just about anyone might be deceived under the right circumstances. Moreover, the core of the Q phenomena strikes me as a fiendishly clever and simple bit of deception, and in my opinion, not likely something that was hatched by the (shall we say un-discerning) cheerleading squad that now strives hard to keep it alive. Even now, I am seeing the same individuals making one excuse after another as to why the unfolding of the plan has failed to show any real world results yet. We have all seen them, I need not repeat them; they are getting more and more ridiculous.
Perhaps, it is time to call out the names of some of these folks who have intrigued us all, with these years’ long escapades, espousing their special access to hidden knowledge, imploring us all to ‘Trust The Plan.’ And, let’s acknowledge that most of us ARE here due to our love of the truth.
The most visibly full of horse manure has to be Juan ‘The Invisible Man’ O’Savin. Here is a gent (or agent), recently arrived, who does not show his face, and makes a number of outrageous claims with no real evidence (that I have seen.) Too many people are nibbling at his lure--hook, line and sinker; This guy smells like the CIA.
Another carnival barker is Steve Pieczenik, I am aware of his military background; I also know that he is a publisher. There is nothing wrong with having something to sell, but when all we get is monumental BS, you have to wonder what their primary motivation is.
There are a number of others I won’t bother to excoriate publicly, we all know who they are and so do they. Regardless of their motivation, they are doing a disservice to their neighbors. Can anyone deny that they have heard others say, “Thank God, someone is finally going to do something!”
I see and hear this comment repeatedly, along with the even more disturbing "I'm going to sit back with my popcorn and watch the show!” Well, gee folks, this is exactly what the problem is!
I would ask the Q faithful out there—do you not think it convenient that the very reaction to the Q phenomena is to stand down? How long will you allow yourselves to be strung along by this increasingly difficult to believe in letter of the alphabet?
I heard someone just yesterday saying, “Well, what else could we do? We spread the Q word far and wide...”
What else could you do?? How about anything other than NOTHING?
How about getting involved instead of standing down and making popcorn? I am not talking about looting, or violence. We don’t do that well, and that’s because we don’t have a lot of practice--thank god!--we should keep it that way. Besides, the marxists have that down to a science, I don’t recommend imitating them.
What I am talking about is making phone calls, writing letters, asking questions, spreading truth; about America, about the Constitution, and the founding fathers. Do you want to get involved? Teach a kid about the Constitution and The federalist papers. Show up at town halls, and make yourself heard. And let’s teach our kids about real heroes, instead of foul mouthed, shallow entertainers and ‘influencers’, Vote! Even if it is rigged, let’s not make it any easier for the bastards to win. We have a lot of catching up to do.
Some may think I am a never Trumper; not at all. I wish things were different, but I do not believe in secret tribunals and executions, that is un-American in the extreme. How can keeping it a secret be in the best interest of the nation? If we love the truth, we must fight for the truth. We should not be eager to abandon the Constitution in order to save it, regardless of what Lincoln did.
I wonder if anyone marching in the Q parade is aware of the damage they have done to our country? This is not a game; American lives have been and will be affected by this. How many folks who stormed the capitol were Q People? (Besides the Antifa agitators, whom we know were in the crowd) I wonder how many of them expected to be backed up by Q? They played right into the corrupt medias hand, and gave the left a tremendous propaganda victory.
I hope you will allow me the conceit to make a small prediction. Tomorrow we will begin to hear how Trump was sworn in for four more years; he is secretly somewhere else, other than Florida. Joe Biden, will be allowed to play President for a time, while the final chess pieces are put in place.
No doubt this change in plans will be due to some new twist that has foiled ‘The Plan’--the plans we were told simply could not fail--how many times did we hear Steve Pieczenik swear up and down, Joe Biden will not be president. Now, I suppose we will hear how new intel has caused a change, but it’s good because we are going to round up even more bad guys. We will be implored to remain a believer as we are invited to dive down one rabbit hole after another. I am sure this nonsense reminds you of someone else who has been promising the ‘New Age’ will be upon us, just as soon as the ‘White Hats’ win. At least, that is what he was saying years ago; I stopped listening.
I don’t believe in censorship, that is the marxists’ bread and butter, and I don’t believe that shutting people up makes them less popular (rather the opposite) I do believe we all need discernment and clarity, like never before. ‘China Joe’ has declared a dark winter is before us, and I have no doubt this is true. I myself will try to get busy and make up for lost time.
Trust The Plan?? No, I don’t think so, the founding fathers already gave us a plan, and it’s a good one. IMHO
God Bless,