Let us establish a few parameters, not that anyone can circumscribe existence, nor expect that the parameters will remain unmoved. It is like the border between Good and Evil, besides being arbitrary in the extreme, depending on what someone wants; at which point morality goes out the window and copulates with the animals so that portions of the world begin to resemble The Island of Dr. Moreau. Yes... that border is always in flux. Over time, what was once considered Evil is now Good and what was Good is now Evil.
Thunder and Lightning once terrified Humanity and fearful souls would place offerings on flat rocks to pacify the gods, who were as primitive as the people who worshiped them. Of course, that wasn't God. It is said that when one passes along the Northern Route, they go from the Land of the Devas to The Sun and then to The Lightning, and then to the unspeakable place of indescribable Rapture and Bliss.
Each year there are two routes that are expressions of The Solstice. The Northern Route begins after the Winter Solstice. The Southern Route begins with the Summer Solstice. It was considered inauspicious to pass during the Southern Route. However much the Winds of Destiny may batten us about like pinballs, against the electro-magnetic bumpers of fixed archetypes (who change in name and appearance only), it is The Wisdom of the Initiates which permits the awakened to ride the currents of planetary force, so as to rule the stars.
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