There are spirits who protect all buried and concealed treasures hidden in The Earth. I should point out that The Earth is a living thing as well and these spirits are employed by The Earth, or... let me say, a particularization of that Earth energy into a specific energy form for that purpose, whatever the purpose may be. People don't realize that everything visible is controlled by something invisible and that is why “by their works, ye shall know them.” because you can know what controls a person by what they do.
Some people love to do evil. They do it for the sheer joy of it. The rest of us don't understand how someone can be that way. We all have a purpose. Who is backing your play? This should be the key area of interest for EVERYONE. What influences you shapes your life.
On the matter of spirits protecting buried treasure, WITHIN and WITHOUT, it is said that when a realized yogi walks near them, they cry out to reveal the presence of the treasure. This is so in EVERY AREA of life. If you are on the right road there is no question of it and everything calls your attention to it. If you are not then it profits to make the necessary adjustments. Yes, there are hidden treasures within us as well. Treasures that are far more valuable than anything that can be found outside of you. There are guards set there as well.
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