We both appreciate your action to make sure this does not happen again. .. Thank you.
I did watch the first 10 mins or so, of the video but my duties took me elsewhere. I assumed it was just as described.. The sentence saying that video begins at the 50 min mark eluded me as I had already been watching it from the beginning. There seems to be a weird spot (in the video) at the 51 min mark to about the 53 min mark. It was a misunderstanding all around.
A great many of our readers log on from their work places and don't have vast amounts of time to spend on video's. A lot of our RMN videos are never even watched, sad but true.. Or they'll save them for when they get home to watch them there. They want to know exactly what they are going to watch. A brief description would be great.
Lynda aka RumorMail...
Hobie your concern is noted and I hear what you are saying. If
: you click on the posted video on the cgi news section. The
: segment is 5 mins, after the Biden video. It was not my
: intention to have anyone watch the entire video.
: I will take action to ensure this does not happen in the
: future.
: When someone cross-posted to the RMN main page the bookmark
: was removed from the video. Thank you for removing said
: video from RMN. I mean that sincerely. Due to the timestamp
: being deleted, yes it could have misled readers.