The Awakening is irresistible. The force of it continues to grow and the impact is made more telling by the addition of the uncertain state of The World and the unpredictable possibilities of Lady Nature. Everything has a timer on it. I know how it looks because if you don't possess Unity you won't see Unity. If you do not possess Harmony you will not exist in Harmony. The Awakening is the Advent of the Avatar. It is one of the most direct signs of his impending and increasing presence. The spiritual light that radiates from him leaves nothing untouched. Fortunate are they who positively respond to it.
Harmony, real Harmony, is a natural accord with everything, be it the tiger or the deer, be it the outrageous spectacles of Injustice, or the timeless poetry of a still lake. There is a deeper wisdom that sees all the pomp and circumstance as circus clowns playing, 'look at me!' People scream and shout about the Rape of Innocence and the Horrors of War; “why! Why! How can there be a God who permits all of this?” As Lao Tzu says, 'better to come to terms with it and meet it at the marrow.'
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