Hemorrhagic fevers, before nineteen seventy six when Ebola was discovered(?), did not warrant significant mention in either lore of Africa or accounts of travelers or colonizers.
One might therefore suspect that something changed in the decade or so prior to nineteen seventy six when modern corporate interests were beginning to virulently infect the areas of concern in the name of profits.
Money, foreign manpower, modern food, industrial processes and chemicals, etc., and ...pharmaceuticals... all were being injected into the local populations.
The natural host(s) of hemorrhagic fevers, and indeed the viruses themselves, are not the core issue. Something was changed.
The following links indicate that hemorrhagic fevers present symptoms and mortality that appear to be identical with late stage scurvy. One might hypothesize that the virus causes a precipitous decline in vitamin C levels in the body.
One might also surmise that since hemorrhagic fevers are not always fatal that a large and continued introduction of ascorbic acid might give the immune system time to naturally compensate for the infection.
A curious inquiry would find that ascorbic acid is dirt cheap, right now, if one were expecting another episode of modern health dictates to materialize.
Scurvy occurs in individuals who eat inadequate amounts of fresh fruit or vegetables, often because of dietary imbalances related to advanced age or homelessness. Asthenia, vascular purpura, bleeding, and gum abnormalities are the main symptoms. In 80% of cases, the manifestations of scurvy include musculoskeletal symptoms consisting of arthralgia, myalgia, hemarthrosis, and muscular hematomas. Vitamin C depletion is responsible for structural collagen alterations, defective osteoid matrix formation, and increased bone resorption. Imaging studies may show osteolysis, joint space loss, osteonecrosis, osteopenia, and/or periosteal proliferation. Trabecular and cortical osteoporosis is common. Children experience severe lower limb pain related to subperiosteal bleeding. Laboratory tests show nonspecific abnormalities including anemia and low levels of cholesterol and albumin. The finding of a serum ascorbic acid level lower than 2.5 mg/l confirms the diagnosis. Vitamin C supplementation ensures prompt resolution of the symptoms.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15797491/ Scroll down about one fourth of page.
X-ray of the knee joint (arrow indicates scurvy line).
Vitamins are essential to the production and use of enzymes that are involved in ongoing processes throughout the human body.[6] Ascorbic acid is needed for a variety of biosynthetic pathways, by accelerating hydroxylation and amidation reactions. In the synthesis of collagen, ascorbic acid is required as a cofactor for prolyl hydroxylase and lysyl hydroxylase. These two enzymes are responsible for the hydroxylation of the proline and lysine amino acids in collagen. Hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine are important for stabilizing collagen by cross-linking the propeptides in collagen.
Collagen is a primary structural protein in the human body, necessary for healthy blood vessels, muscle, skin, bone, cartilage, and other connective tissues. Defective connective tissue leads to fragile capillaries, resulting in abnormal bleeding, bruising, and internal hemorrhaging. Collagen is an important part of bone, so bone formation is also affected. Teeth loosen, bones break more easily, and once-healed breaks may recur.[6] Defective collagen fibrillogenesis impairs wound healing. Untreated scurvy is invariably fatal.[16]
...Marburg hemorrhagic fever, which has affected fewer than 40 people since its discovery in 1967, provides one such example. Fatality rates are also variable. In cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever-dengue shock syndrome, 1-5% of the victims perish. On the other end of the spectrum is Ebola, an African hemorrhagic fever, that kills 30-90% of those infected.
The onset of hemorrhagic fevers may be sudden or gradual, but all of them are linked by the potential for hemorrhaging. However, not all cases progress to this very serious symptom. Hemorrhaging may be attributable to the destruction of blood coagulating factors or to increased permeability of body tissues. The severity of bleeding ranges from petechiae, which are pin-point hemorrhages under the skin surface, to distinct bleeding from such body orifices as the nose or vagina.
If you enjoy the esoteric...
2 : something that poisons the mind or soul // the force of this virus of prejudice— V. S. Waters
4 archaic : venom