Well, Obama is president again. They are planning some very bad things to enhance their gun programs to get rid of guns and then bring in Communism. You can't have Communism if everyone has a gun. You can ONLY have Communism when ONLY they have the guns. THEY are the people enforcing it and who make sure we are all equal or else. Some will be more equal than others and ride the fattened hog to Doomsday's Barbecue
Perhaps you are familiar with Michel Foucault and Jaques Derrida, not to mention the self fellating Sartre? Let's put aside the convoluted and supercilious language of constructing and deconstructing and existentialism bullshit. It's still bullshit, constructed or deconstructed, or existentialized. Here is a lovely little bio on that great and selfless servant of prepubescent North African boys. When some of Derrida and Foucault's peer jackals got caught diddling the young, they came forth into the public forum to rail against the constrictions of the existing laws concerning the age of consent. Just like the pornographer poet Ginsburg, who made it the work of his lifetime to help put together the Nambla (8 is too late) North American Man-Boy Love Association.
Whenever you see the high and mighty, rich and powerful screeching in the public thoroughfares about something, you CAN BE SURE they are only about protecting their interests. IT IS A FACT that the ruling cabal of empowered degenerates are pedophiles. Them railing against it is their way of exonerating themselves. Yes... some part of it has to do with the youthfulness and freshness of their prey, BUT... it is REALLY about showing fealty for their Satanic Majesty by engaging in the DESPOLIATION OF INNOCENCE. The channeling sources of The Infernal Kingdom all carry the message of how much pleased The Master is for their participation in his favorite sport.
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