From many and varied directions, people are coming into Understanding by unknown means, BUT MOSTLY... it is coming in waves from within and transmission centers at a distance. These are times of Cosmic Change. There is NOTHING anyone can do about it, except offer futile resistance or conscious cooperation. I found this in an email from a reader and thought I would share it with you. It is far too convoluted and speculative for me. This is not the pathway I have taken. It does not make this person wrong. I, personally and impersonally, prefer a simpler and more guided passage. I'm done finding things out. If God wants me to know something he will tell me, otherwise it is none of my business.
In my view, all of the transformative force that is being directed upon human affairs at this time is... one way or another, connected to the approach of The Avatar. Last time a World Savior came around, the pundits and numbers drones say there were 300 million people here. That was when Jesus Walked. There were no telephones, telegrams, or media devices then unless you consider drums as such. Very few people encountered The Christ while he was here. By this time, word of his teachings and actions has spread to nearly everywhere on the planet, unless you count North Sentinel Island, where they kill the missionaries as soon as they arrive. Even there, they might have heard some brief testimony in a language they did not understand.
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