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"There's Still Nothing New Under The Sun" Free Book

Posted By: HotCoffee
Date: Sunday, 7-June-2015 16:13:56

I Haven't read it yet but it looks interesting. Heading off to the hammock with "There's Still Nothing New Under The Sun" Free Book found here


Contains religious, political, and occult content.

Snip from current events at website.


American Pharaoh

The term "Blue Bloods" (Royalty) originated with the Kennites.; inbreeding Rh- bloodlines tends to engender 2nd born children with "Blue Baby Syndrome". American Pharaoh was sired by Pioneer of the Nile and Empire Maker (names pretty much say it all) won the 2015 Kentucky (Kennite) Derby in Louisville and the Preakness in Baltimore. Louisville is named after King Louis VIV of France known as the "Sun King"; from the land of the Kennite Sun King. The 2nd race for the Triple Crown is in Baltimore. Baltimore means "Pharaoh's Town", nothing like a folded pocket knife to justify a police murder eh? The 3rd Race is in Elmont (Mount of El/Saturn) NY for the Belmont (Mount of Bel/Baal) Stakes. A Stake or Palo is a Pole followers of Baal use to Crucify sacrifices.

Jesus was 33 at the Crucifixion; 33 degree Luciferian Mason Malcolm X (Stuart Little) is derived from Milcom/Molech and X=Christ=Messiah. He adopted the name Bari Malik Shabazz; his wife Betty also took Shabazz. His verified trip to Kenya was 9 months ahead of the birth of Barack Obama (Bari Malik Shabazz Jr). Malcolm X is a far better candidate for BO's father than the fake pregnancy/birth of Stanley Ann Dunham in Hawaii in my opinion. Barack and Michael, his Sodomite partner (Michael wore #44 playing football at Oregon St; BO is President #44) have admitted several times “Barack’s home is Kenya”.

The name Bari Malik Shabazz means Solar Barque of Molech; Shabazz means “Royal Falcon” which the Egyptians called Horus. Followers of Horus, born at Solar Solstice ie Christmas/Hanukkah are biblical Horites. In Iran, the Solar Christ is “Mithra” (Priest Miters derive from this name); in Rome “Sol Invictus”; in Druid Britain “Apollo” which we saw at the Sochi Olympics; in Turkey “Attis”; in Phoenicia “Dagon” which we see in Harry Potter “Dagon Alley” and so on.

The original Solar Priests came from Chaldea as Konn-Torrs (Priests of the Torroid; ie Electro (Sun) Magnetic (Earth) Field; then in Egypt as Shensu-Hor "Horite Priests" and later Priests of On (Heliopolis); in Phoenicia they were called “Kahn Baals” (Priests of Baal).

Shabazz means “First Race” that being Cain which we see in the movie "Jupiter Ascending" (Jah + Pater or Father Jah; JESUS=JAH not Jah) Cainite seed crossed the Flood via Ham (Black) and his mother which produced Canaan, "Cursed" with this genetic defect. Phoenicians, Philistines, Cretans, Samaritans and the Canaanite/Hittite wives of Ishmael, and Esau fit the profile as well as the Book of Mormon Ishmaelite women with Levi (Levites) who allegedly met Jesus in the land of Nimrod and piloted wooden submarines underwater to America. Pretty amazing Mitt Romney was nearly President eh?

Nation of Islam has nothing to do with Islam; it began with Wallace Fard Muhammad on July 4, 1930; he disappeared and Elijah (Eli=Priest in King David’s Day as a youth seen in the movie "Book of Eli" and Jah=Jehovah) Muhammad took over (Muhammad Ali took his name from Noble Drew Ali and Wallace Muhammad) When Malcolm X legitimately converted to Sunni Islam, he was murdered; Louis Farrakhan took over and recently he started grooming Ishmael Muhammad to exact “Justice” on Whites.

Farrakhan is also a 33 degree Mason who teaches followers to adhere to L Ron Hubbard’s “Dianetics” (Sodomite John Travolta did a movie “Battlefield Earth” about this so-called “First Race”) L Ron and Rocket Man Jack Parsons were members of the OTO (Ordo Templii Orientis) founded by Barbara Bush father Aleister "Great Beast" Crowley

Drew Ali was the original founder with the Moorish Science Temple which teaches Africans descend from Moors from Morocco who originally converted to Islam in 700 AD and murdered 50,000 Christians at Fez; the Red Fez worn by Shriner Masons (Noble Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine) celebrates this Moorish mass slaughter.

Drew Ali believed he was a reincarnation of Jesus, Buddha and Muhammad, a mystic Rosicrucian teaching first published in the “Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ”. Note the Aquarian Symbol is at the Dec 21 marker at St Sulpice Cathedral and atop Glastonbury Tor now; 2015 is a very big year for these Satanists.

In Feb 2015 the topic “Viruses: Weapons of Mass Destruction” was the keynote speech given by Dr Leonard Horowitz a Messianic Jew at the Christ Universal Temple of Chicago. Bill Gates believes Vaccines can solve the world's over population problem. On Beltane, to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Communism, HR #2232 "Vaccinate all children Act 2015" was introduced. Chance of passing? Hell yes, the WHO had declared Ebola and soon Measles a Level 6 Pandemic requiring Mandatory Vaccination.; Jesuit Quack Edward Jenner couldn't be more proud of his Mass Murdering creation.

Malcolm X did not found Nation of Islam; when he went off script he was dispatched as was PhD Plagiarist Martin Luther King. We can see the commonality of Nation of Islam, Moors, Messianic Judaism, Scientology, Jehovah’s Witness, 7th Day Adventist, Church of Christ Scientist, Mormons and others in Rosicrucianism and their Rose Line at St Sulpice Cathedral.

Notably, the founding of NOI on July 4, 1930 makes 2015 the 85th anniversary and the Satanic Jubilee Year of 2016 the 86th. To “86” someone is derived from Abram and Sarai; they became Covenanted with Melchisedek and received the “h” (God is with me). Abram was 86 when Ishmael was born; his name was changed to Ismail (Hagarenes, Twelvers, Assassins) after he rejected the Covenant; similarly Esau rejected the Covenant and became Edom. At 99, he had Isaac and circumcised him at 8 days; to copy this Ishmael was circumcised at 13 and so it is today with false Converts becoming Wolves in Sheep’s Clothes. Is it coincidence CERN will ramp up to 13 TeV in September 2015 in the vain attempt to produce a Black Hole? Sure!

Barack=Lightning; Hussein=Handsome; Obama is Farsi for “He is with us”; the 44th and final US President according to C Alan Martin in the 12th House meaning the American Pharaoh (Per aa means “Great House” his real name Bari Malik Shabazz Jr or Son of Horus (Pharaoh) may even actually believe he descends from Solomon and the Queen of Sheba via Prince Menelik and Ethiopian Pharaoh Taharqa. This lie is critical to understand because the Ark of the Covenant is claimed by the Vulgate (Catholic Bible), Talmud, and Septuagint to have been hidden by Menelik and returned to Israel in 1948 with God’s gathering of the Jews to the land promised to Abraham. Jesus describes the Ark (missing since Josiah’s day) ca 609 BC is in Heaven with Jerusalem (Gal 4) the Jerusalem in Israel where Jesus was crucified is called “Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt” (Rev 11:8 KJV).

This then is the 2 choices we have today. The Old Covenant (Law) or the New Covenant (Grace); we can be at the altar or on the porch (Rev 11:1); we can be with Ephraim (Israel) or with Judah (JESUS) (Eze 37:16) but not both. Eternity is determined by our choice.

Prince Hall Freemason Barack Obama is the American Pharaoh. (Hell, Sarah Paliin even instituted Prince Hall Mason Week in Alaska 1 yr before Terrorist Financier John McCain picked her) "Nothing happens in politics by accident" FDR Bari Malik Shabazz Jr is the son of Nation of Islam leader and Sovereign Prince Hall Mason Malcolm X has a name meaning, Bari=Solar Barque; Malik=Molech; Shabazz=Royal Falcon the symbol of the Egyptian sun King Horus or First Race aka Horites. Obama believes he is a Kenyan (Kennite) descendant of Pharaoh Taharqa, the "Last Pharaoh" related to Menelik, the un-biblical, mythical son of the Queen of Sheba and Solomon. Obama is thus a Foreign born Shepherd King as were the Hyksos Pharaohs of Egypt. Hydsos were a mix of Ismailis, Edomites and Canaanites called Amalekites, who are at "War with God from Generation to Generation" Ex 17:16. Amalekites became Pharaohs who assumed control of Egypt; one of their own now occupies the Great House (White House) with his cross-dressing partner Michael (Michelle), a Priest of Ameru (Serpent Priest; Ref cousin Rabbi Funnye Capers) from Ethiopia (Cush), guiding America (Edomite/Canaanite Serpent) just as Nimrod did 4300 years ago in Babylon. Michael even wore #44 playing football for Oregon St and Obama is Pres #44. Michael believes he pulling off this charade; related to the Cross-dressing Hyksos Pharaoh of the Exodus Hatshepsut who did the same thing only in reverse. Hatshepsut was so hated, her name was removed from Hieroglyphics.

It's really quite an amazing accomplishment so many people are mesmerized by this charade, even when it is fairly common knowledge Barack Obama has no valid Birth Certificate from Hawaii, valid US Passport or verifiable college transcripts. He is also a member of the Chicago Bath House "Man's Country". Here is symbolic proof all is not what it seems.

This year's Kentucky Derby was won by American Pharaoh, with jockey Victor Espinoza. Victor=Victory; Espinoza means "Thorny Thicket"; the thicket the Ram was caught in as a substitute sacrifice for Isaac on the place where the 3rd Temple will soon be built in Jerusalem. The story of American Pharaoh began 8 years ago.

8 years ago Big Brown won the Kentucky Derby, a horse chosen and betted on by Barack Obama who had just changed the logo on his B-757 campaign jet to a Prince Hall Mason designed setting sun amid red and white stripes (Identical to the Carbon Fund Logo except the latter is Green). Sarah Palin prepared in advance by setting aside Prince Hall Mason Week while AK Governor, a Masonic Order of the First Race "Shabazz" open only to Blacks. Like Hillary Clinton, she and John McCain had no intention of winning. Hillary chose and placed her bet on 8 Belles, a nautical term which means Mutiny or End of the Watch; 8 Belles broke both front legs simultaneously near the finish line, and Big Brown became the winner. 5 months later in Kentucky, Hillary ended her run for President in Kentucky in front of a US Flag with all 50 Stars sewn on upside down; the symbol represents Baphomet or the Goat of Mendes.

Barack=Lightning; Hussein=Handsome; Obama is Persian for "He is with us". President #44 was predicted by C Alan Martin in his demonic vision of the 12 houses; Michael Robinson wore jersey #44 playing football for Oregon St; his mother Marion Robinson conducts Santeria Rituals in the White House.

Barack and Michelle (Michael Robinson) have admitted numerous times his home country is Kenya, named after the Kennites as is Kentucky. Abraham's wife after Sarah died was Keturah, a Kennite as was Moses' wife Zipporah. Kennites originated the term "Blue Bloods"

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