One of the least understand processes in the modern history of UFOs are secret meetings held between US Presidents and extraterrestrial visitors, and subsequent agreements that emerged from them. A number of insiders and eyewitnesses have come forward over the years to share their knowledge of these highly classified events, which continue to remain secret to this day and are hotly disputed among UFO researchers.
To this body of testimonial evidence that such meetings and agreements did occur, we can now add recent remote viewing sessions conducted by the Farsight Institute using a scientifically rigorous protocol. The data provided by Farsight gives us an independent means of evaluating the earlier body of testimonies concerning US Presidents meeting with and striking deals with extraterrestrials. Before discussing the recent Farsight remote viewing sessions on “Presidential Meetings with Extraterrestrials,” I need to explain what was already known from multiple sources about such meetings
The first references to US presidents meeting with extraterrestrials came from a letter dated April 16, 1954, that was written by a highly respected metaphysical leader, Gerald Light, less than two months after President Eisenhower reportedly met with an extraterrestrial delegation at Edwards Air Force Base. Light’s letter described his first-hand account of the meeting and the events that transpired after a delegation of human-looking extraterrestrials arrived in a flying saucer craft.