We are approaching the 555 portal, as we continue to enter deeper into this new month. A month that is about anchoring the change that we have been descending, step by step, during all this too five universal year. As I shared in May energies, we have a wonderful opportunity with the massive energies that surround us, as the eclipse, the violet, emerald and white rays, to help us anchoring more love, for this is what we most need at this time in which many are suffering, as they are finally awakening into the Truth of who they are and what is truly taking planet, at a planetary level.
During this important portal, we have the Emerald Ray, to help us bring into fruition that which our soul desires to create and expand in the physical. This Ray will also be for those who are in direct co-creation with Earth, for this is for those whose main mission involves to work with Earth’s roots and everything connected to the Earth’s first chakra – restoring and healing the manipulated structures, as well as damage that for eons have been taking place on our Planet.