Remember my mention of Babylon? Here is an article that amounts to a press release by the people promoting these sybaritic escapades as high art, I'm assuming- by low people. I imagine Ishtar dancing through the streets of Babylon, dancing through the minds of the modern-day Babylonians like a sugar plum fairy.
I was thinking about The Empire of Fantasy that Fundies live in. I doubt that many of them know about these things; all modern traditions are ALWAYS grafted into more ancient traditions. I don't know about the credibility of all that is written in that link, nor do I think God would ever call himself Yahweh, or Jehovah. These are alphabetical sigils of Gematria. They speak to the combination of certain forces. They aren't a name so much as a series of letters with numerical correspondences; attempts to describe the indescribable.
With every religion, there are, 'those in the know' and 'those who don't need to know', as well as 'those who are unable to know'. The quality of the character of the proponents defines the religious system itself. Some are more bad than good and some more good than bad, but Wisdom and Revelation exist beyond these training wheel parameters.
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