Prophecy comes out of a supersensory, visceral connection to the plane of revelation. It is transmitted on the angelic wavelength and the accuracy and exactitude of prophecy are based on this cyclic wonder of endless reoccurrence. Usually, that which prophecy speaks of warns against and informs us of takes place in an apocalypse. Ergo, we are presently present in the times of the fulfillment of Prophecy. Please take note.
Before anything happens here, on the manifest, it is an idea in the Mind of God, and it instantaneously becomes a reality on that plane. It hums across the angelic network in a kind of Divine Hive Mind concert of Joy and Heavenly ecstasy. That is the routine in Heaven. God speaks and the Akasha trembles. In times of great change, it can be compared to the rolling thunder of AUM, coming off of Shiva's Drum. This might be a tad esoteric (ya think?) but it is so. It is a cosmic verity. God speaks and the world is transformed. Since decadence and decay are a certainty in material affairs, God speaks at regular intervals. One can scarcely hear God with mortal ears, and not at all unless one is attuned to hear by Grace.
The closest material thought can come in the appreciation of The Divine Presence is to be found in The Lightning. Within, it comes as the flash of inspiration, which is also a thunderbolt at a higher level.
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