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JANUARY 2009 ______________



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Dr. Robin Falcov



Common Ground Independent Media


Posted By: Jonathan_Seagull
Date: Saturday, 12-June-2021 01:57:25


It is the year of Our Lord, 2021. On January 6, President Trump, who is still to this day the legally reelected 45th President of the United States, was giving a speech to what may have been the largest group of peaceful citizens ever to assemble in the Nation's 'old' Capital. Toward the end of his speech he very clearly asked the hundreds of thousands of Patriots listening to his speech, to walk to the Capital Building in peace and then go home safely. Over a million Patriots were there with their families and friends. Most, if not all of them, were smiling and enjoying themselves and their fellow Patriots in peace despite the freezing cold weather. America watched President Trump and the American Patriots LIVE. They all listened very carefully. They heard what he said – live. Not once prior to or during his speech did he encourage or even suggest that his fellow Patriots break into the Capital Building or employ any type of violent behavior.

Toward the end of his speech, President Trump, in no uncertain terms, asked all the Patriots to keep the peace. He told them he loved them all. When was the last time a sitting President of the United States ever said that? To the Deep State, saying 'I love you' is the equivalent of recognizing the God who has given us our inalienable rights. Rights that can only be taken away by Him. Love is repugnant to the Deep State. And God is Love.

As President Trump continued his enthusiastic speech, dozens of fake Trump supporters attempted to enter the Capital Building. The Capital guards, who were too few in number (by design?), removed the barriers and let the thugs onto the Capital Grounds. Yes, that is what happened. We have the videos. We have living witnesses. Their release was caught on camera. Most Americans have seen it themselves. But the 'bought and paid for' Deep State fake media mob morons tell you that you didn't see what you saw. The media mob is in the habit of telling you what you are seeing. Using a pre-written Deep State script they tell you it's raining outside even when you can see it is a beautiful sunny day. Some people still believe them but fortunately, that number is quickly dwindling.

Take the 100+ days of Antifa's violent rioting in Portland and Seattle and many other cities across the United States. We were all being told by fake reporters working for the America hating fake media mob morons, that the Antifa rioting was peaceful – “like a love-in”. This Seagull was at quite a few 'love-ins' during the 60's and 70's. Sorry to disappoint but they didn't look at all like the Seattle or Portland violent riots. They looked like, well, love-ins. Hello?

What we saw, during the violent Antifa riots, what our very own eyes saw, right behind the actual 'reporters', was a continuing series of violent insurrections. We saw mobs violently attacking federal buildings and setting them on fire, trying to burn alive the innocent people inside. Violent destruction of police stations. Fires of burning books and garbage and American Flags set in the streets. Rocks and frozen water bottles being thrown at police and federal authorities. Molotov cocktails being thrown into police cars and directly at police. Hundreds and hundreds of family businesses being senselessly destroyed and burned to the ground. The endless looting of private businesses. The mindless burning down of private property – in cities all across America. Are any of the anti-American violent Antifa criminals in jail now? NO. Is it because the FBI can't find them? NO. But the FBI seems to be able to find, charge and jail EVERYONE involved in the comparatively mild breach of the Capital Building on January 6th. Shame on you, FBI! Once upon a time, the FBI was a proud, vital organization Americans could trust and be proud of. Once upon a time.

Antifa forces were ripping down statues of American Patriots and heroes including the likes of Abraham Lincoln. The very same Lincoln who took America into a Civil War to save the Union and end a blight that had cursed the United States since it was founded - slavery. About 18% of the US population died in that war. Lincoln paid for ending slavery in the United States with his life. Except for a few fake news reporters who were injured by these violent mobs, most in the media mob still claim the riots were peaceful protests. That's not what MY eyes saw. Isn't it comforting to have some Seagull like me tell you that what you saw is really what you saw?

On January 6th, at the Capital Building, my eyes and the eyes of anybody watching, saw Antifa thugs run past the opened barriers and up the Capital stairs, climb the stairs and the side of the building using rope they carried in with them. They broke windows to get in the building. But they didn't have to break any windows, they were let in. Yes, we ALL saw that too. While they were being let in through the doorway and shown around like tourists, Trump Patriots, outside the Capital entrance, can be seen and heard, telling the thugs to stop that! Stop that! But the Deep State, lying 3D media mob morons want us to believe we didn't hear that. They like to tell you what you have HEARD also. Yes, watching videos you can clearly see some curious Trump supporters walking in after the thugs were almost gracefully welcomed inside.

What you didn't see, and neither did the FBI or the fake new media mob morons, were black ops military Patriots using the Antifa useful idiots as a cover. Yes, they knew Antifa was going to attack the Capital Building and so the 'False Flag' Antifa attack was used to capture some very strategic information. What information?

Do you remember hearing that a few 'valuable' items were stolen – CAPTURED – during this Antifa Riot? The items that 'disappeared' during the 'riot' included Nancy Pelosi's laptop. Also included were several other communist congressional traitors laptops. The FBI can't find these laptops. Oh, they may send out a press release one of these days that says they have recovered those laptops. But they will be lying. There is enough traitorous information on those laptops to end the rule of all the traitors who have betrayed America and her Liberty Loving citizens. This information is just PART of the ultimate 'Trump Card'. While you are waiting for all of this to be revealed you might find some comfort in the fact that Pelosi and her fellow traitors have a very hard time sleeping these days. Sleepy Joe can hardly help himself, never mind help the likes of these traitors. Anyway, sleepy Joe is just a Deep State puppet.

When the Antifa 'williwaw' began, Congress was in session debating the results of the Presidential election. This is the session in which Vice President Pence betrayed President Trump and America. Pence had every chance to show some courage and join the Patriots. But every revolution has it's despicable Benedict Arnold. A few of the media mob morons were in the Capital Building with the thugs and actually interviewed one of the LEADERS of the thugs - a well known Antifa LEADER who had already pillaged Portland and Seattle and other cities. They first interviewed him while he was INSIDE the Capital Building. He did that interview for 'free'. His name is John Sullivan. Sullivan was excited while inside the Capital Building. He was recorded yelling: “we're in, we're in - I can't believe we did it - let's burn this shit down!”. Was he yelling to himself like Golum? Does anyone really think he was the ONLY member of these criminal thugs who breached the Capital building on January 6th? Really? Sorry, that bird don't fly – oh, I might have offended some woke birds - wankers all.

Meanwhile President Trump, Patriots will always call him President Trump, records several video messages for the fake media to put on TV and Cable networks asking the Trump Patriots to be peaceful and go home safely. And that's what they did. That's not what you tell the troops if they are being instructed to attack the enemy. If a football coach gave that message at half time, he would be fired for putting his players to sleep. But wait, there's more...while hundreds of thousands of peaceful Patriots are finding their way home, smoke bombs are set off by the thugs who planned this nonsense at the Capital. The fake media mob morons needed 'terrifying' optics to use later in their slanderous narratives.

Our 'brave' representatives are now hiding somewhere safe in the bowels of the Capital building. Except AOC. Was she even there? Who cares. Finally, the National Guard or some authoritative force arrived at the Capital Building to rescue our 'brave' representatives from this 'armed insurrection'. Oh yeah, many were arrested but not one weapon was found. CNN actually apologized for reporting that one of the Capital guards was hit with a fire extinguisher and died from this attack. CNN admitted – it never happened.

Now here's where it begins to get even more interesting. This event was a mass MEDIA 'False Flag' event too. The fake media mob knew it was going to take place. But that backfired. It was witnessed by millions and recorded by professional cameras and live high definition cell phone videos inside and outside the Capital Building. You can throw away the false narratives repeated by the fake news media mob and it's Deep State 'professional' politicians. We know exactly what happened. We saw it happen LIVE. We were there. One way or another. This Seagull was there also. Flying around in the sky, watching everything. And as you are reading this you are still witnessing the political opportunists (but aren't they all) use this 'False Flag' stunt to persecute, harass, silence, entrap, condemn and 'cancel' anyone, any company, any idea that does not strictly align with the narrative of the Deep State's useful idiots such as the fake media mob morons and the NY Slimes - the false narratives that are being relentlessly thrust and forced upon the good people of America and the world.

After this False Flag event, the media mob (lying traitors, all of them) had the brass marbles to try and prevent President Trump from communicating with the American people. They 'canceled' President Trump from most cable networks and social media platforms to prevent President Trump from communicating with the American people, using as an excuse their false narrative that President Trump had instigated a violent insurrection. POPPYCOCK!

President Trump recently announced that he will soon have his own social media platform where more than 100 million freedom loving Patriots will join him as he keeps his eye on America. Once again the legitimate President of the United States will communicate with the American People. Once again America will have it's legally elected President, from the summer White House, or perhaps safely guarded at one of our military bases, guiding us into the Light!

It is very clear that there was no attempted take-over of our government on January 6th. No violent coup attempt. No insurrection. Yeah that would work. A few hundred people without any weapons versus the most powerful military force ever to exist on Planet Earth. The cowards who have accused President Trump of instigating an insurrection are simply wrong. It was not a violent attack, at least not as violent as almost any night in Seattle during their weeks and weeks of violent Antifa riots. No, the Foundation of the Democratic Republic of the United States was not threatened. If that were possible, the CCP would have attacked the Capital Building years ago with their version of the boy scouts. Or perhaps Cuba or Venezuela would have sent their para-military forces to storm the Capital and 'take over' the USA. I bet North Korea would like a piece of that action.

As plain as anyone can see, it was a bunch of semi-professional rioters financed by Soros or some other hateful, disgraceful excuse for a human being, staged to embarrass President Trump and the American Patriots. We all now know it was staged by Antifa, with the cooperation of the FBI, to feed into the lying media mob's false narrative that President Trump had instigated an 'insurrection' and was responsible for an 'attack' on the Congress of the United States. CLAPTRAP!! The only insurrection that had taken place in America was when the Deep State and the communist Democrat Party stole the presidential election from President Donald Trump and the American people. THAT was an insurrection. But the fake news media mob's false narrative worked – for awhile. The Deep State, their politicians and Big Tech and Social Media sycophants, cable TV and the old has-been news TV channels want you to believe this 'False Flag' event threatened 'the very foundations of our democracy'. HORSE PUCKEY!! That false narrative is getting old and worn out. The only 'coup' attempt that took place was when the Deep State stole the Presidential election from President Trump. THAT is the truth. And THAT is about to be reversed as the ARIZONA forensic audit is completed and as more states begin their own election audits. Just listen to the fake media mob morons and their screaming meanies begging every night for mommy to come and rescue them. Please mommy - please call in the DOJ!! NOTHING can stop the storm that is about to happen. NOTHING.

Because of this January 6th 'False Flag' event, President Trump, even though he was already out of office, was unconstitutionally impeached for a second time by a CCP Democrat controlled Congress mob of traitors. According to the United States Constitution, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is suppose to preside over Presidential impeachments. Even Chief Justice Roberts, who is obviously compromised, would not dignify this unconstitutional act of Treason with his presence. For a second time, as hard as the Deep State and all it's useful idiots attempted to stop President Trump's phenomenal momentum, President Trump was triumphant. He was acquitted - for the second time. The Deep State and all it's ruthless, mindless useful idiots are still trying to prevent President Trump from being able to communicate with America – to no avail.

Yes, the Deep State is still trying to walk President Trump up the steps to 'their' guillotine. It ain't gonna happen. No matter what the AG in the Southern District of NY does – even if there is a fake alien invasion – even if they send a new 'virus' from China – nothing can stop what is about to happen. Every Patriot knows that President Trump still holds the 'TRUMP CARD'. This Seagull believes that very soon, 'the Trump Card' will be slammed down on the 'Constitutional Table of Justice'. For the Deep State and all it's useful idiots it will be - GAME OVER.

Jonathan Seagull

Adapted from 'American Reichstad', by Jonathan Seagull

Visit: Plandemicseries.com, download FREE productions by a fellow Seagull - Learn what Fauci is all about...


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