A father and son encounter a vertical black line on a hill near Edinburgh, Scotland. The line unfurls into a stickman-like humanoid that pursues them when they walk away. Weird account!
"It appeared to be a straight black line emerging vertically from the ground. I remember thinking at first that it was a plastic tube they use to protect vulnerable saplings from deer. In the first moments that we became aware of it there were no discernible features whatsoever other than a black vertical bar. As we watched, the straight black bar 'unfurled' into the crude shape of a humanoid, I estimate to have been around 8 feet tall. Unfurled is the best term I can think of to describe this process, if you've ever seen a butterfly emerge from a chrysalis it was something like that. The figure was entirely jet black, there were no visible features or contrast within it to any degree despite the bright moonlight and 'black' doesn't cover how dark this thing actually was. It was what I imagine a black hole might look like and although the figure itself wasn't remotely transparent or insubstantial, the outline was slightly fuzzy or blurred almost like something that's vibrating extremely quickly or a washing machine on a high spin cycle." Read more...