I prayed this morning for a Post-it Note Angel. The request came out of nowhere. I was musing on The Divine in meditation, and I was thinking how I never wanted to stray outside The Presence of God, and I thought it would be great to have an angel who set off an alarm; like when a truck is backing up and it makes that beeping sound. It would be like Invisible Fencing for Dog Poets. THEN... I was REMINDED that I ALREADY have a Post-It Angel... because how otherwise could I possibly have made it this far?
The rising hysteria of The Insane is getting more strident by the day. The American flag is Racist! I saw where a couple of executives at a law college came out and said they were racist and apologized for their privilege. There is a new breed of sexual masochist being bred in The System. They would have been great at the Chi-Com shame fests. Perhaps you have heard of The Struggle Sessions? ALL of this is Karma. It is Karma that gets you into those roles and Karma which determines the length and intensity of the process.
It is Karma that shapes your personality to fit the devices formed to liberate you from it, but not without a degree of suffering and other costs, which is kind of like the price of doing business.
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