Strange, dare I say Weird events are becoming commonplace. I won't be going into some of the bizarre individuals contacting me in cavalier and all too friendly ways as if I have known them all along, and I have not. This led to a kerfuffle with someone I did know, but that got worked out. These are unusual happenings but not worth a public autopsy when I don't really know what's what.
Around two weeks ago, I started doing a Rain-dance Prayer because we haven't gotten much precipitation in the last few years, due to drought conditions. It could be a mere coincidence, but a week after I started, in came the rains and we have had a good amount since. I live in The Southwest, and rain is not a regular event in any case.
While reading the Roerich accounts on the search for Shambhala, which I had already included in a previous posting last week (or thereabouts), I came across this item, “in this place, is the great ancient Suburgan, the hope of all Buddhists; because on this spot the Age of Maitreya (The Avatar) shall be acclaimed by a mysterious light over the ancient Stupa.” You, PERHAPS, read the link from last week about hieroglyphs and artifacts found in Oklahoma that go back many thousands of years, indicating residence by Aryan culture. I'm playing connect-the-dots here.
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