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Deep State Zoom Conference Transcript

Posted By: MAXtheMAGAnificent
Date: Monday, 23-August-2021 23:29:13

Captured Deep State Zoom Conference Transcript Released!
Now we understand everything! (Language Warning)

Conference Participants:

Mortimer J. Buckley, chairman and chief executive officer of Vanguard Group
Laurence (Larry) Douglas Fink, chairman and chief executive officer of BlackRock
Lochiel Crafter, Executive Vice President and Head of the Global Institutional Group of State Street Global Advisors
Klaus Martin Schwab, executive chairman of the World Economic Forum
Bill Gates, Co-chair and Trustee of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
George Soros, international financier and founder and head of the Open Society Foundations
Joseph R. Biden, 46th president of the United States of America

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and President of the People's Republic of China

Transcript: (Language Warning)

Xi : Hello everyone! …and a special hello and thank you to our favorite president of the USA, Joe Biden! Joe, magnificent job in Afghanistan…I know that it has been hard for you to take all that shit about your being stupid, incompetent, and senile from the running dog American press, but what an act!

Biden: Listen you fucking chink, I am not doing that again, I don’t care how much you pay me. That bitch Carmella thinks she is going to take over next week and somebody has to put her in her place. I sent her to Thailand or some fucking place on the other side of the world to cool her off…maybe you have somebody who could make her disappear over there.

Xi : Now, now Joe…after all that we have done to keep your jerk-off son in whores and drugs for years you would think that there would be some gratitude. Anyway, let’s get down to business. As I was saying, the turnover of Afghanistan to China is almost complete although we still have to deal with those fucking muzzie towel-heads who think that they are in control there. Those camel jockeys think that they can fly those absolutely super Black Hawk helicopters you left over there.

Biden: Milley had them leave instructions in Pashto and Dari on the front seats…maybe they’ll figure it out. Look, I left all our people over there just like you told me and now I am getting all this shit about it.

Xi : Joe, you Americans are so concerned about human life…you have to get off of it. People are just parts in the game that you use and then dispose of them.

Soros: Thanks for talking some sense into him, Jinping.

Gates: Plus Joe there are just too many of them anyway. Wait till we vaccinate those Talibani’s or whatever the hell they call themselves. They’ll be dropping like flies and then we walk off with the goods. Do you know how many laptops we can make with the stuff they’ve got in those mountains!

Schwab: Hey Bill, talking about dropping like flies, what the hell is going on in the good ‘ole USA? We told Joe that he had to get 70% of their people fully vaccinated or else and you said you would make sure that it happened and we’re sitting at under 50%...some say it’s as low as 30%.

Gates: Fucking Americans…they keep thinking that they are free people. We own the schools, the press, Hollywood, social media, the government, the courts…everything that they see, that they read, that they hear is our program! …and that fucker Trump, where the hell did he come from…they follow him like lemmings. Make America great again…are you kidding me…they’re fucking losers.

Biden: Look, I just had the FDA give full approval to the Pfizer jab. The Pfizer is the one that we are finally annihilating the fucking Jews in Israel with…that fucker Bibi took us over a barrel to get that one done. It’s really funny that the Pfizer jab is the krauts…BionTech…they’re finally gonna’ get the Jews that they missed the last time around. Anyway, with the FDA approval on the most lethal jab we’ve got we can mandate that everyone get it or else we’ll fucking screw them to a wall…fucking free people my ass!

(General uproarious laughter ensues)

Fink: We really do have a problem even with the FDA approval. The managers of the companies that we control are starting to lose valuable people to the vaccines…heart attacks, strokes, neurological stuff, you name it…and the people seeing this happen to people around them are refusing to take the jabs.

Buckley: Yeah, people are willing to be fired before they will take the jab…no matter what we do with our people at Google, Facebook, and Twitter, somehow the word is getting around that we might be trying to kill everybody…except ourselves of course!

(General laughter ensues)

Crafter: Really, it is serious with our corporate people…they are smart enough to know about our genocide plan and they are thinking that their organizations are going to collapse between the people quitting because they won’t take the jab and the people who do take the jab and are going to die…who’s going to run the store?

Xi : Oh my god, have you forgotten population replacement! Have you forgotten that we are going to starve to death the American people who think that they are free and kill the rest with the jabs and replace them all with much better educated, much more talented, and certainly much more obedient Chinese! I’ve got 1.4 billion mouths to feed every day and they can do a lot of stuff too. America is wasted on Americans…they’re fat, dumb, and too happy for their own good.

Soros: They deserve whatever happens to them.

Schwab: Damn right…and then build back better!!

Xi: Joe, you have to pull out all the stops. Door-to-door armed vax teams, detention camps for anti-vaxxers, interstate roadblocks…vax or die! …of course die anyway.

(General laughter ensues)

Biden: Are we done here? I have to do my trip up the steps to Air Force One routine again this afternoon according to your program…what the fuck.

Xi: Joe, don’t forget we own you…we own your miserable failing country…don’t fuck it up so bad that its worthless when we finally take it down.

Biden: Come on man. Whatever.

[End Transcript]


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