I'm assuming that everyone who comes here KNOWS that the PCR tests, and whatever other tests they use to confirm the presence of their made-up virus, will find whatever they are looking for, because most everyone has some version of a virus that shows up and can be claimed to be whatever they are looking for.
We KNOW that a handful of Stone Age Arabs did not attack The World Trade Center and other locations in 9/11. We KNOW there was massive election fraud in the previous national election. We KNOW that Antifa, and other flash-mobs of Helicopter Offspring, do the bidding of The Deep State, and that they target all events where people gather to protest depravity, and violations of The Constitution, as well as whatever The Deep State and their corporate allies deem undesirable. We know that Infernal forces are trying to destroy this country, and we know that the present government is composed of traitors and hired guns.
There is an interesting feature of The Apocalypse that has been in action for some time now, and it is getting more and more pervasive. People everywhere, the high and the low, and those we have never heard of, and would rather not know, are exposing and revealing themselves in a very public way. Famous politicians, who should know better, are being driven from office because of bad behavior. Surely they did not want this to happen. SOMETHING drove them to it. Some force is behind all of the crazy actings out taking place these days. People are demonstrating what they previously concealed from view.