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Yet Another Captured Deep State Zoom Conference Transcript (III)

Posted By: MAXtheMAGAnificent
Date: Thursday, 26-August-2021 01:12:52


Captured Deep State Zoom Conference Transcript Released!
Now we understand everything!

Conference Participants:

Klaus Martin Schwab, executive chairman of the World Economic Forum
George Soros, international financier and founder and head of the Open Society Foundations
Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security
Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services
Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States
Joseph R. Biden, 46th President of the United States

Christopher A. Wray, Director of the FBI
Merrick B. Garland, Attorney General of the United States (Head of the Department of Justice)

Transcript: (Language Warning)

Obama: I wanted to get everyone together to talk about the great success that they are having in Australia in creating a total police state and to get our heads together to strategize a similar outcome for here in the United States.

Schwab: Thanks Barry…yes, the key to getting to the Great Reset in place in these former western democracies is total and complete control of the population…especially those that we don’t kill with the vaccines…

(General laughter)

Schwab: Of course in the US we have the problem that the population still has all those guns and who knows how much ammunition. The key to success in Australia and by the way in New Zealand is that the population was completely disarmed. This is not only a problem in gaining control, but when all the forces that the Chinese and the UN have prepositioned inside the US and up in Canada start to move against the US population they will be sorely out-gunned…of course those rednecks and militia types are a bunch of amateurs with guns but there are just so many of them. Xi Jinping has been pounding the table about this and we really need to give him some answers.

Becerra: The other problem is that the “We the People” crowd who have most of those guns are refusing our wonderful euthanasia shots in droves…the easiest way to disarm them is to kill them with vaccines and boosters out the ass but they’re not buying.

Biden: What about the mandates? Now that we have the Pfizer vaccine fully approved we can jam the jabs down their #ucking throats.

Wray: ‘fraid not, Joey. These #uckers will shoot first and ask questions later. Of course, if they do that we’ll arrest them and charge them with murder and they’ll never see the light of day again, but we’re talking about maybe a hundred million of them…they’ll take out so many of our people in the process that we’ll be more #ucked than them by a long shot.

Mayorkas: Chris, how are you doing on infiltrating their militias?

Wray: You know what, although we do have them thoroughly infiltrated, we really don’t have to worry about the militias or any other of their organized patriot groups armed or otherwise. The fact of the matter is that all of their so-called patriot leaders, the people that they are listening to, are telling them that the last thing that they should do is engage in anything violent or against the law. They’re telling their people that the first thing that they have to do is get on their knees and pray to their god, particularly to their supposed savior Jesus Christ. What a bunch of assholes…they think that a lightning bolt is going to come down from heaven and strike all of us Satan-worshippers down and everything will be copasetic…

(General laughter)

Wray: The other thing that they are telling them is to stock up on emergency food supplies and whatever else they need to survive in a total collapse which we, you and me, will engineer. They're on total defense! For once their god is on our side…we’re killing them by the millions right now, taking every freedom they ever thought that they had, and they’re convinced that the last thing they should do is touch us. Their idea is that if they engage in large scale action against us it will give us an excuse to counter-engage with the full instrumentalities of the government against them…declare full-blown martial law and then their precious republic would really be gone forever…we could use the military to crush them after we totally destroy the banking system that they use to survive. Their pop-guns would be useless after we turned the country into a desert with no food, no water, no electricity. It’s a beautiful thing…right now we are going full-blown kinetic on our side and they are responding by trying to audit the 2020 election!

(Uproarious laughter for several minutes ensues)

Obama: They actually think that they can get a system that we totally control to do their bidding!

(Uproarious laughter for several more minutes ensues)

Garland: What about this devolution stuff they keep talking about where the military would arrest us all for treason, send us all to Gitmo and restore a constitutional government…

(Uproarious laughter again ensues for several minutes)

Obama: (laughing) The military is a bunch of pussies…I made sure of that when I was president…I demanded that they all swear allegiance to me and do as I say…they’re all still there…best example is Milley…need I say more?

Biden: So there’s really nothing to worry about, right?

Wray: Right…even the retired special ops guys have been neutered…you see them all over the Net talking about having god on their side and sitting back and doing nothing. That’s our only real weak point…we’re really soft targets for those guys but we have nothing to fear from them…they’re all in church waiting for salvation…at least the churches that we haven’t closed down yet!

(general laughter)

Obama: OK, we have to wrap this up. What are our next steps?

Soros: I think that considering what Chris had to say that we are in pretty good shape here…we just have to stay the course. It will take a little longer to subdue America because of all the guns but I like the fact that we are obviously winning this war and the other side is completely oblivious to what is going on. Have you heard the jerks on the Internet who keep saying that we are totally panicking? ...that Trump and the patriots, whoever they are, are in total control? What an absolute bunch of BS. And by the way, I think that a round of applause is in order for our 46th president of the United States, Joseph R. Biden…

(sustained applause ensues)

Soros: Our boy Joey has taken more shit than any of us could endure without totally losing it. Who among us could do everything in his power, which is vast, to totally destroy what was once the greatest, although the most flawed, nation in the history of planet earth in the space of eight short months, all the while claiming that he was doing what was in the best interest of that nation with a totally straight face! Here’s to senility in its highest and best form!

All assembled: Here, here!

[Transcript Ends]


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