From the Patriots of the United States of America…A Call to the Great People of Australia
You Are the Ones Who Can Lead the Free World Back From the Precipice of Tyranny
You Can Show the World How It Is Done
It Does Take a Bit of Courage, a Bit of Organization, and a Lot of Will
Absolutely NO Weapons or Violence Required…Totally Peaceful
Because You Are Peaceful and Good, and They Are Vicious, Violent, and Evil, Many on Your Side May Die
This is the Price of Freedom
Remember, Freedom is Not Given…It is Taken…Take It.
Here’s How to Do It:
1. First and foremost for God’s sake realize that the people who are oppressing you are NOT legitimate government leaders! They are traitorous criminal psychopaths who may have obtained their positions in government legitimately but have gone completely rogue and are totally disregarding any and all limitations to the prerogatives of their offices and their responsibilities to abide by the laws of the country. They have foresworn their right to government position…they are actually revolutionaries who have overthrown your government and taken away all of your God given rights. You are patriots of your country and your mission and your duty is to RESTORE your government to its lawful place in your country. Given this, you are to ignore absolutely everything that the criminal psychopaths say…every declaration, every order, every prohibition…you are to ignore them totally as if they do not exist. But, in order for this to work, you must ignore them en masse…all of you who still consider yourselves to be free people. This is key…how many of them are there? Several hundred at the top? Maybe a few thousand when you throw in their police? How many are you? Millions. You are millions compared to their few thousands. Can they arrest you all? Can they kill you all if they had the means to do it? No. You don’t realize it, but you have ultimate power…the power of a massive free people. A few years back there was a great animated movie called “A Bug’s Life”…watch it and then watch it again…it’s all that you need to know. Ignoring these psychopaths who are ruining your country, ruining your life, ruining everything is the first essential step back to freedom and it’s such an easy thing to do! Just do it! …but EVERYBODY HAS TO DO IT!!
2. Second, you must physically take all of your GOVERNMENT buildings back which have been taken over by these traitorous revolutionary criminal psychopaths. Again, this is a relatively easy thing to do but it requires hundreds of thousands of you acting in concert. I am talking about all of the government buildings…everything from town halls to national parliament buildings and ministerial offices and residences. These buildings belong to you for God’s sake! The criminal psychopaths who think that they control you are using these buildings and related facilities to give you the impression that they do control you and up to now you have been impressed. Get your heads out of your collective ass’ and realize that those are your buildings and that they have no right to use them the way that they are…at this point they are criminally trespassing within these buildings. Remember, symbolism is all that these criminals have at this point and it is symbolism that has had you and everyone else mesmerized. Take away their use of symbolism…particularly the use of the buildings that are the ultimate symbolism of their supposed power and they are done.
What you must do is all get together say in a state capital…maybe a half million of you…drive your cars into the city and park them in the middle of all the streets so that you control access, and then peacefully descend upon the government buildings (all of this during a weekday when the buildings are open but take along some crowbars in case they attempt to lock you out and you have to forcibly open some doors), surround the buildings then enter them en masse…by the thousands so that all of the corridors and offices will be clogged with your people. Make sure that a few hundred thousand of you remain outside surrounding the buildings. You may say what about the police guarding these buildings? Remember, you outnumber them by the thousands to one. If you just peacefully move forward (DO NOT POSSESS OR USE ANY WEAPONS IN THIS EFFORT…THE COLLECTIVE MASS OF YOUR BODIES IS YOUR ULTIMATE WEAPON) in a tight massive group, just like the Roman legions did, they cannot stop you. If they use their weapons, you may take some casualties as you move forward but remember that if they persist you may unfortunately have to trample them…which you will be able to do very easily if you keep ranks. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT NOT TO PURPOSELY HURT ANYONE ON THE OTHER SIDE…EVERYTHING THAT YOU ARE DOING IS A SIMPLE RETAKING OF YOUR PROPERTY AND AN EVICTION OF TRESPASSERS. The only exception to this is if the trespassers call in thugs like Antifa and/or a foreign military force to hurt you…it is definitely open season on these animals and you may need to take precautions against such a possibility. What if they call in the military to take you out? This is why you have to clog the streets with your cars first…it will limit the ability of any force to attack you from the rear except by air. With hundreds of thousands of you on the ground there will be no place to land helicopters and they are probably not going to bomb or strafe you from the air…most of the soldiers and airmen in the military are patriots and will not execute on illegal orders from compromised officers to kill fellow citizens (hopefully). There are probably a few bad apples among the police and military, but I believe that most will join you when they realize that you are fighting for their freedom as well…most of them signed up to serve and protect the citizenry and inadvertently fell into the hands of these criminal psychopaths who demand that they do their bidding. Anyway, peacefully occupy your buildings and remove the trespassers physically, respectfully, and peacefully, escorting them from the buildings and through the crowds so that they understand that we have no intention to hurt them…only remove them from our property. The best condition is if the trespassers have fled the building…then you don’t have to waste your time and effort removing them from the premises (just make sure that they don’t try to come back). If they are unruly and giving you a hard time, the best thing to do is to remove their clothes so that they understand that they have no further dignity accorded them by the citizens of the country. Don’t touch them if they are fleeing on their own accord…this is the best, most peaceful outcome. There may be some patriots still left within the illegitimate government that you are removing…it is important to identify these people and protect them as they will be vital to restoring the legitimate government when the time comes. You probably know who these people are but watch out for the ones who are typical politicians that say that they are on your side but have betrayed the country.
3. Repeat step (2.) above at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
4. If you succeed in steps (1.) through (3.) above, you now have a major problem on your hands…there are no government leaders or personnel in place to perform the legitimate and necessary duties of a legal government. Your city, your state, your country…wherever you act… is now without a government. You have to immediately work to restore or re-establish a legitimate government to office under the founding laws of your country. Warning: Study the French Revolution…you don’t want to do what they did after Louis XVI and Marie were taken out. You must quickly re-establish a legal government (whether local, state, or national). This is not easy to do because the legitimate instrumentalities of government including police powers are key to the maintenance of a civil society and those instrumentalities have been largely disabled. This is where the patriots who may have remained in the illegitimate government are important, particularly the elected patriots. These elected patriots can form the nucleus of the restored legitimate government and should be sought out as leaders of the restoration. Remember that the traitorous criminal psychopath revolutionaries will be doing everything in their power to stop you from restoring your government to its proper role in your society. Be aware that they may have colluded with a foreign government such as the CCP to overthrow your government and the foreign government may have their troops surreptitiously on the ground in your country to take you out first when you attempt to overthrow the illegitimate government, and if you should succeed, to restore their puppet government. This along with the possibility that the foreign government may have infiltrated your own military is the primary physical threat that you face to the restoration of your legitimate government. Foreign troops and a compromised military will have no compunctions about killing you. Unfortunately, because you have been disarmed there is no easy solution to this problem, but again there is ultimately strength in your numbers and there are many other kinetic means available to you besides firearms if it comes to that. Remember, you didn’t start this but you have to finish it.
Be aware that there are many of your fellow citizens who have fallen under the total influence of the illegitimate government and will not be on your side…in fact they will be hostile to your efforts. This is not a good thing but ultimately not a big problem because for the most part these people are cowards and again, you outnumber them vastly. These collaborators will talk a good game but when push comes to shove they will retreat to their “safe places” and let events play out. Be sure to read Orwell’s 1984 to understand this dynamic (or watch the movie).
Finally, and most importantly, be wary of a false flag operation that may be staged by the illegitimate government. This would be similar to the false flag “insurrection” that was staged by the US Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, in conjunction with the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Antifa, and BLM on January 6, 2021 at the US Capital building in Washington, DC. This false flag event was intended to create a narrative that those who were actually trying to preserve the Republic (which is the United States of America), were those who were trying to overthrow the Republic. In order to do this, the Pelosi forces enticed unsuspecting patriots who had rallied to support a free and fair election on that day to follow their agents provocateurs dressed as Trump supporters into the Capital and be set up to be arrested and held as political prisoners. The Pelosi forces even murdered one of the patriots, an Air Force veteran named Ashli Babbitt to make the point that the supposed insurrectionists were a real threat to the government. Then they falsely claimed that the patriots had killed five of the police defending the Capital. The result was a firestorm of media attacks on the patriots for supposedly attempting to overthrow the government and a slew of “investigations” all intended to cast the patriots as traitors…the very thing that the Pelosi forces in fact were. Be totally aware that such a thing could happen to you…these people are consummately evil and are all working from the same demonic play book. Also be aware that your own people may include plants from the traitors who will seek to undermine your efforts including doing acts of violence in your name so as to incriminate you in the eyes of the general public and discredit your movement.
Australia can again be a land of free people and set an example for the rest of the formerly free world…New Zealand, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, many others who just need to see that it can be done in order to do it themselves. Even the United States of America seems to be losing its soul and the patriots there need inspiration to act.
Good luck and God’s speed! We are all on God’s side.
Remember, Freedom is Not Given…It is Taken…Take It.