Incredible Captured Deep State Zoom Conference Transcript Revealed! (V)
Now we understand everything!
Dr. Rajiv J. Shah, President, The Rockefeller Foundation
Alexandre de Rothschild, Executive Chairman of Rothschild & Company
François Pauly, Chief Executive Officer of Edmond de Rothschild Holdings SA
Bill Gates, Co-chair and Trustee of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Chief Funder of the World Health Organization (WHO)
Klaus Martin Schwab, executive chairman of the World Economic Forum
Janet Woodcock, Acting Commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Albert Bourla, Chairman and CEO of Pfizer
Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna
Richard J. Pollack, President and CEO, American Hospital Association
Gerald E. Harmon MD, President, American Medical Association
Transcript: (Language Warning)
Shah: I am super glad that we could get all of you on the call today…can everybody hear me alright?
Group: (general agreement)
Shah: OK, thanks again for being here…we really have a distinguished group on board including for the first time a lady! Good to see you Janet [Woodcock] and welcome…and I want to remind everyone that since we do have a lady in the conversation, keep it clean! Some of the language has gotten pretty spicy on these calls.
Schwab: Hey Janet…is that your husband’s real name or is it his nickname?
Shah: Oh my god Klaus, control yourself will you please.
Schwab: Listen Rajiv, you’ve gotta lighten up…you’re so serious…we’re having fun here!
Shah: You know what, Klaus, you’re actually right…genocide really is a fun sport when you think of it… in how many sports does your opponent…human anyway…end up dead? It’s super fun!
Group: (general agreement)
Shah: OK, let’s get down to business. Our de-population and total social control agendas are really making good progress and I want to thank all of you for your fine efforts in making this happen. I especially want to thank Rich and his AHA organizations and Gerry and his AMA professionals for making sure that nobody walks out of a hospital alive after they show up with the DELTA VARIANT…of course our super antibody dependent enhancement vax feature that is kicking in now that we are eight months out. Super job, guys.
Pollack: Yeh, Gerry’s people set ‘em up, we slap ‘em on a ventilator and boom, they’re dead!
Harmon: What’s better is that Tony [Fauci] got everybody sold on Remdesivir as the game changer cure and all it does is cause renal failure! It’s so funny how there are all these studies out there now on how come covid causes death from renal failure and it’s the Remdesivir all along that’s doing the job! Tony’s the best.
Group: (general grunts of agreement)
Shah: It’s all good, but as good as it is, we have to move faster. The peasants are beating the war drums and even though they can’t touch us…
Gates: Excuse me for interrupting, Rajiv, but you really make a good point…they cannot touch us. No matter what we do to them…kill them, maim them, kill their children, whatever…we are safe and there is nothing that they can do to stop us. We own everybody who matters and those that we don’t own just somehow don’t last very long. We hold all the cards and they are fish in a barrel.
Shah: Thanks Billy, that’s right…so I don’t want to hear any excuses…they can march in the streets, call us names, wave their signs, block the highways…nothing, nothing they do means anything in our world…and I do mean OUR world. We’ve been planning this for decades, we’ve replaced governments, compromised the entire medical profession, compromised the courts, compromised the media…the only thing we haven’t managed to compromise is God, but it turns out we don’t need Him anymore because Big Church is firmly in our pocket! How about that!
Pauly: Rajiv, you are so eloquent.
Shah: The best soldier we’ve got now is our good friend Janet here who sort of gave full approval to Pfizer’s killer jab and now we can sort of legally mandate everything!
Woodcock: Yeh, #ucking damn right I did. Al [Bourla] you cocksucker…you have no idea how #ucking hard you made it for me. That mRNA shit you made was even worse than Stéphane’s [Bancel] mRNA #ucking shit!! I had to hire Hollywood #ucking script writers to put together that thirteen page #ucking pile of crap “approval” letter. Fifty-thousand dead and half-a-million seriously injured and you cocksuckers want me to #ucking approve it with a straight face? Let me tell you shit-asses something…you #ucking owe me big #ucking time.
Rothschild: (apparently under his breath) Mon dieu, I think that her gardener does her hair with a weed wacker.
Shah: Thank you Janet for that masterful presentation…I am sure that you will be pleased with your reward when this is all over…don’t you agree Billy?
Gates: You betcha Jan baby! And now let’s talk about our booster program…Xavier [Becerra], what’s doing with the boosters?
Becerra: Full speed ahead! How about all those suckers who we said if you are fully vaccinated you get your freedom back and they believed us! What a bunch of morons…they deserve to be de-populated. Hey, and what a #ucking…uh, sorry Janet…amazing job that they’re doing in Israel. All those Jews walking around with #ucking…uh, sorry again Janet…green cards and surprise! You’re #ucked…uh really, really sorry again Janet…
Woodcock: #uck you, Xavier, and #uck your #ucking Health and #ucking Human Services. Talk about #ucking morons. #uck you.
Bancel: The boosters are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Once we’ve got ‘em hooked, we can do whatever we want to them…we can make them do stuff you wouldn’t believe and when we get tired, we just take them out. No muss, no fuss!
Shah: How about you, Alejandro [Mayorkas], how are you coming along with the concentra…uh, I mean quarantine camps for the vaccine hesitant?
Mayorkas: Going well but we’ve got all these new citizens coming across the southern border that we have to house and feed and give healthcare to and school all the kids and register them to vote…and now we have all these #ucking Afghans…uh, sorry Janet…
Woodcock: #uck you too guey.
Mayorkas: uh, continuing on, anyway between the new southern border citizens and the new Afghan citizens we may have to use the new concentra…uh, I mean quarantine camps for the new citizens as well as the vax resistors and that’s a problem because we have to strictly confine the vax resistors while at the same time giving free reign to all the new citizens… and all in the same facility…it’s a nightmare.
Shah: No problem. I’ll talk to Obama and he’ll talk to his CCP handlers and get you all the help you need. They’ve done such a great job with the Uyghurs over there and they’ve got really effective people stationed all over the US. Look for a call from Barry in the next few days.
Mayorkas: OK, got it.
Shah: OK, so let’s wrap up…remember, the word is speed…the faster we subdue these people the faster we get to the Great Reset, right Klaus?
Schwab: Yes sirree Dr. Shah!
Shah: That’s the spirit! Take care everybody.
[transcript ends]