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Common Ground Independent Media

Shame Shame on Politicians that break the rules

Posted By: Cathy
Date: Friday, 26-June-2015 01:02:22


... and I say that with tongue in cheek
and a role of my eyes
and Oh, brother ...

On the Federal political scene

Dean Del Mastro sentenced to month in jail, 4 months house arrest for election overspending


It is wonderful to see this corruption
come to fruition
and the Conservatives are easy pickin's

'cause they are in power
Whatever Party wins this next election
They will be watched like a hawk watches
and those are the times we live in
squeaky clean these people will have to be
and as we can see
many running in any party can not pass
the test of being under a microscope
there will be just as many in the other parties
once the people are done with the Senate
they will be coming for the Members of Parliament
entitlement in Politics will never look the same
when the Public sector perks are more than
that of Private sector - who are taxed and pay
taxes for the public sectors perks
You will see both entities barely making a wage
Awe will it be a Comedy or a tragedy

the hawks are watching with an eagle's eye
I wouldn't want to be politician living in these times
the public is restless and there is no more room
for anymore new taxes
Cuts and more cuts
otherwise they had better be Saints

You/we are all Saints until caught
and then you get deemed a sinner
This isn't going to stop with the Conservatives

and --- In the Oil hub of Canada

Alberta moves on hiking carbon levy, but more action expected in months ahead


While the fledgling NDP government was applauded by both industry and environmental groups for taking action to renew the Specified Gas Emitters Regulation — a program that charges large industrial facilities for greenhouse gas emissions above a baseline level — even the environment minister described the current regulations as obsolete.

it ought to read

While the fledgling NDP government was applauded by environmental groups ...

the comments from commenters
tells the real story


Top Commenter · Works at Urban Real Estate Services Ltd.
The beginning of the end

Tyler D. Dickson · Steam Plant Operator ll at ATCO Power
They don't realize that raising the cost per tonne of CO2 will not change the minds of the environmentalists that oppose every major project that is energy realize.
Reply · · 1 · 2 hours ago

Top Commenter · Calgary, Alberta
Timing is totally wrong for this. Considering how much the industry is struggling, all tax/levy/fee increases should be put on hold for atleast 1 year. Also remember other provinces are offering incentives to oil and gas companies.

Top Commenter
Wow, no holds bar heh? I think it is funny that they can't bring out the budget for months yet but are full steam ahead with their taxing, taxing taxing agenda on the "rich" and the oil industry. Talk about biting the hand that they need to help feed their spend, spend, spend mentality! Unbelievable how anyone could vote for a radical party like this!

Top Commenter
You go NDP....You kill that oil and gas industry, Do whatever it takes, unbelievable!

Alberta has had a carbon tax for years

This new environment minister and NDP party
are crazy ---- many many jobs will be lost
bad timing given the volatility of Oil prices

Braid: The strange path of Shannon Phillips — how to back Greenpeace and save capitalism


Alberta’s new environment minister, Shannon Phillips, once co-wrote the introduction to a book called An Action a Day Keeps Global Capitalism Away.

It’s about having teenage fun while toppling the rich, shutting down the oilsands, saving the climate, inventing hoaxes for the media, chaining yourself to large objects, harassing politicians, etc.

Now Phillips is a major Alberta politician in charge of the environment, climate change policy and much more — the sort of person her collaborator, Greenpeace activist Mike Hudema, might size up for a pie in the face.

a couple of comments

Bryan Taylor · Top Commenter · University of Calgary
Good grief...what a lack of common sense I see here in these comments. I have worked in the oil patch and I support having this industry supply so many jobs in Alberta. But Braid is right, if the PCs had ever shown any kind of intelligent leadership on this issue, the world would not have been against us...and maybe all of our pipelines, including Keystone, would have been approved. The Alberta PC way only gave the environmental groups exactly what they wanted.....what a bunch of twits, frankly.

Michelle Stirling · Top Commenter · Calgary, Alberta
Totally disagree with you Bryan Taylor. The PCs were the first go'vt to ever have any kind of carbon levy in North America and instead of it lining the pockets of carbonbaggers - it went into an R&D fund! What a concept! A Brilliant Concept. The reason why the world is against us is largely due to the misinformation spread in the trade war against Canada's oil sands, via variius eco-groups trying to make it sound like we are the worst evil around. You can see it in this "Tar Sands Strategy" of 2008 http://www.offsettingresistance.ca/TarSandsCoalition-StrategyPaper2008.pdf and how they would wangle themselves into positions of authority (shock, gasp - lookwhat's happened!) http://www.counterpunch.org/2013/10/16/how-tides-canada-controls-the-secret-north-american-tar-sands-coalition/ and how they would use First Nations people and how they would band together to stop Keystone in order to shut down the oil sands (Pg 47 http://www.internationalfunders.org/documents/IFIPConferenceReport2010.pdf ) and of course my favorite hobby horse - "The Tipping Point:Ae of the Oil Sands" documentary coporduced by CBC which has been web-casting its misinformation for about 5 years. The PCs did show leadership and that's why Alberta was booming. Now... we're declining. The PC's did blow it in terms of public trust and thoughtful spending, but on the environmental file, we have lots to be proud of.

Phillips ought to be starting her new book

Ghost Towns of Alberta and how the hell did that happen?

the whole world is suffering with the same disease

no jobs and way to many dam taxes going to
pay the wages of corrupt politicians and
political systems on the brink of complete failure



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