I had an incredible meditation this morning. I think the reason for it being memorable is because it was a confirmation of what I already believed to be true. As much as we tell ourselves that we've got ample faith, it's not consistent across the board. There are always conditions we are not sure of. To have one's hesitancy vacated is kind of like having a prison sentence vacated. You are free... well, freer than you were before. That's how it works. When you are going in the right direction, that is the direction of greater freedom. When you are going in the other direction, it leads to greater restrictions, even to being locked up... or closed out.
People get certain impressions about The Spiritual Path. Most have tried some version of it. It is generally difficult at the beginning. That is why people do not continue on it. It can even be difficult much further up the road. Indeed, it can be difficult for a long time, and I speak with direct knowledge of this. HOWEVER... a time does come when it is no longer difficult, and then... it brings an ease of passage, and a regular confirmation of itself many times a day.
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