If you agree with what is in this message, please share it or pass it on. The time for meme's are over, serious messages need to rally the free people of this world. God Bless everyone of you, the world, and God Bless the United States of America!
Declaration of Transgression
When in the course of recent human history, worldly events have been egregiously precipitated against humanity; on every continent and against every nation of people, of all races, sexes, ages, religions, creeds, pledges of patriotic loyalty and allegiance, not just against the Citizens of the United States of America, but against all the people of the world, free or oppressed and impugned alike.
These American Patriots are the last bastion of HOPE for the FREE people of the world, for we Patriots are holding the last line of defense against the onslaught of the Deep State Communistic Regime’s ‘Axis of Evil’; both Foreign and Domestic in essence. The vast scope and extent of pure, destructive corruption that was intended not just for the humans, but life in all aspects, is a global and selective cybernetically induced holocaust. To exterminate all possibilities of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness affecting every man, woman and child, human and animal alike, currently ongoing as well as both in the past, as well as was intended for the future.
As such, the political party caste system and their stances have disillusioned the masses into believing that the globalist intentions are good for the common people, peasantry and “useless eaters” of the world, according to their own words. The Communist agenda has affronted our Republic with the confusion of Equality against Equity. This seizure of jurisprudence, or in more simplified terms “Law-fare”, has undoubtedly undermined the entirety of our sovereign authority as well as our own social authority and jurisdiction.
This duplicitous chicanery is surreptitiously and subversively undermining the United States of America and it’s sovereignty. Communist propaganda has agitated the masses, alluding to the fact that the definitions of Equality, which is a uniform and consistently balanced agreement; whereas Equity is the objectified impartial fairness of “informal” ownership. This is open ideological warfare disguised as rhetoric and are tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP’s) and standard operating procedures (SOP’s) of Asymmetric and Psychological warfare operations. This coordinated and targeted blueprint for divisional lines in all aspects of society are purposefully schemed in order to erode the last Aegis of our divinely inspired Republic.
This Deep State Communist Regime, the RINO’s, Democrats, especially the Biden Administration and Supporters are openly and blatantly denigrating what it means to be a Patriotic American Citizen, both naturally born or legally naturalized. The illegally sanctioned, authorized and certified 2020 Presidential Election, in which these ‘Agents of Evil’ were installed and are only now openly trafficking illegal aliens, in which are carrying diseases into our sovereign borders; some of which have been either mostly or completely eradicated in various regions or all together (i.e. polio); and are once again reintroducing biological agents/diseases; in which are being covertly deployed against the American Citizenry.
This Deep State Communist Regime in coordination and cooperation with foreign and domestic organizations and agencies have also colluded domestically with the NIH, CDC, FBI, CIA, MSM, Big Pharma & Big Tech to name a few; as well as foreign governments and adversaries (specifically but not limited to; the Chinese Communist Party or CCP) and have introduced a cyberwarfare psychological disinformation operation decades in the making. They have intentionally destroyed the manufacturing and supply industries by consolidation of resourcing within China, as well as brought about the economic supply chain crashing down upon the populations. Not to mention the Power Supply industry and the purposeful intent to attack and rob the population of resources rightfully entitled to the people, for the people and by the people.
The true power has always been with the PEOPLE. This pandemic global rape of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a heinous an abhorrent indisputable example of crimes against humanity. Not withstanding, regrettably there are other evidence based examples. They have openly waged cyberwarfare (specifically but not limited to; election interference/fraud) against us and weaponized biological agents, viruses and diseases against the population to devastate as many as possible as “collateral damage”.
Make no mistake as to the intentionally planned outcome of these deadly biotech weapons. The difference only lies in the delivery method; instead of mechanical and technologically advanced and automated munitions, these weapons are deployed via human beings, alive or dead. As well as illegal aliens and “syringes” – regardless of content manufacturer, secretly switched with biotech weaponry instead of life saving medicines; Additionally, these same agencies and corporations are banning and/or restricting access denying life saving medicines to one of their largest purchaser/consumer bases, the American Citizens. These actions have encroached upon the trust, faith, hope and free will of choice as these oppressive “leaders” remain in the current governing establishment and continue the defilement of its citizenry. What we were once warned about and what was known as The Military Industrial Complex still remains with us today, albeit known by different name; The Medical Industrial Complex.
The Deep State Communist Regime has also usurped the right to free speech, the right to work as well as the continued attempted disarmament of patriotic citizens, regardless of legal status. Our nation brilliantly and blazingly outshines all other attempts at a Republic, for our rights in the Constitution in these United (not divided) States of America are of divine providence; No petty despot however powerful they may think they are can strip us of these unalienable rights.
This Deep State Communist Regime is also attempting to disarm the workforce and highly educated, trained professionals in highly specialized fields of study and careers. Not to include the unlawful enforcement of The Nuremberg Code across all aspects of the career spectrum. Furthermore, the unlawful disarmament of our sovereign military forces and troops, only to be replaced by the cowards unwilling to stand against these Oligarchs. Yet they would gladly sacrifice the incorrectly indoctrinated youth, illegal aliens, paid mercenaries, Islamic terrorists wanting to establish a “global caliphate”, and radical extremists; such as but limited to Antifa, BLM (Black Lives Matter) as lambs to the slaughter.
The cannon fodder would not end there, if that weren’t enough, the attempted clandestine invasion under the auspices of “peace time” or “emergent operations” via the secret communist military of the United Nations, NATO or the European Union is yet more evidence of our communists enemies allowed to roam freely and unchecked, slowly multiplying and attempting their nefarious scheming and devious plotting against America.
To lead is to inspire. Inspiration comes through free will. The ability to choose is the gift of loyalty and love. To dominate the masses through fear, coercion and cruelty, is not a society worth living for. An already free nation is a dangerous foe indeed; For if you wake this sleeping behemoth and once the light of truth exposes all the cloaked enemies of darkness secretly surrounding us and from within, this Red Sea of Patriotism will not rest until every last enemy is dealt with swiftly, justly and accordingly. Every patriot once stirred enough to act would die fighting for this freedom. It is not a matter of choice, but of commitment to the Divine cause of Life, Liberty and Freedom. This honor bound charge is the end game; one can either die through fighting or die by surrendering.
These breaches of transgressions continue on and this Deep State Communist Regime has weaponized the local, regional and federal education systems both public and private alike, against it’s own citizens whom pay for and sanction these public services. However, these institutions have been privatized and federalized under disguised communist control parameters. These trans/inter-generational warfare techniques along with weaponized propaganda know no bounds. The more limited true education at an earlier age can be introduced, the easier for deconstructive or negative indoctrination to occur. These individuals and organizations are editing real world history with negative renditions against, not for our Republic, as well as positively considering ANY form of communism, socialism, etc. as a constructive social architecture.
It is this false rhetoric and the multifarious avenues of attack (AOA) that has inherently and systemically corrupted our own education system against it’s own citizenry. Such topics as secular/religious ideologies, both notions of republic and democratic authority, and CRT (Critical Race Theory) to name a few are documented evidence. These clear lines of delineation are all methods of departmentalizing the aspects of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The early indoctrination of our youth, regardless of nationality, culture, heritage, age, sex or religion is undermining our sovereignty as a nation and is an unequivocal attack on the United States of America and it’s education infrastructure. If our future generations are being taught by our adversaries and their rhetorical propaganda, America will not have a future if we do not defend all aspects of American Infrastructure, physically, digitally, and theoretical in every aspect.
The weapons of this inevitable WW III would be unimaginable, and indeed these new breed of Techno-weapons are. Nanoparticles, smart dust, quantum dot technology, graphene oxide, aerogels, skin penetrating soluble crystals, as well as the mRNA re-programmable and selective targeting cybernetic weapons for selective depopulation. Emerging materials sciences are revolutionizing the way weapons are conceptualized and deployed; continuously shaping and reshaping the Asymmetric area of responsibility, operations, or operational environments. EMF dynamics (Electromagnetic Field), radiation fields (5G), transverse magnetic (TM) fields, photon reversal/inversion, ZPE/ZPF fields (Zero Point Energy/Zero Point Fluctuation), and subluminal/superluminal paired tachyons are examples of emerging areas of research and development. All of these brazenly arrogant behaviors as well as the actions initiated by the Deep State Communist Regime have not only become apparent but observed and the evidence documented by the masses across all regions and fields society. Research these terms and you shall find corroborating information. Seek and you shall find.
Do not be afraid of the advice of your current government advisors being wrong, they are only human. Your Prophet’s have guided you, for you must listen to the WORD of God, Trust in the WILL of his people and the WAY will be open to you, the people of this nation and of this world are with you; I BESEECH YOU TO LISTEN TO YOUR PROPHETS AT THIS TIME NOW! God is with YOU, God is with his people, God is with LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS, God is with the United States of America!
President Donald J. Trump, in this dynamically developing framework of asymmetric warfare, these are ALL OPEN ACTIONS OF WAR.
I HUMBLY Implore you to Initiate/Invoke the final stages of Devolution/COGCON1.
Gods Esteemed & Humble Servant,
Tremayne Michael Madere
< ~ Seraphic Warrior ~ >
Air Force Special Operations Command Veteran,
Operations Intelligence Analyst & Subject Matter Expert
‘Phoenix’ Operations Intelligence
“Invenio Confirmo Persequor”
Sometimes storms don’t come to block our path, but clear our way. Unfortunately, we know we had to be shown and not told;
Just as it is written:
“God has given them a spirit of stupor,
Eyes that they should not see
And ears that they should not hear,
To this very day.
- Romans 11:8
“If you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat.”
- Ronald Reagan
“The difference between Insanity and Belief lies only in the number of believers.”
- Baron Von Reiter
“A man’s country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle; and patriotism is loyalty to that principle.”
- George William Curtis
“The difference between Truth and Conspiracy is the amount of time in which it takes to rise to the surface.”
- Anonymous
“You can please all the people some of the time, you can please some people all of the time, but you can not please all the people all of the time.”
- Abraham Lincoln