Deep State Zoom Conference Transcript
Dr. Rajiv J. Shah, President, The Rockefeller Foundation
Alexandre de Rothschild, Executive Chairman of Rothschild & Company
François Pauly, Chief Executive Officer of Edmond de Rothschild Holdings SA
Mortimer J. Buckley, chairman and chief executive officer of Vanguard Group
Laurence (Larry) Douglas Fink, chairman and chief executive officer of BlackRock
Klaus Martin Schwab, executive chairman of the World Economic Forum
Bill Gates, Co-chair and Trustee of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
George Soros, international financier and founder and head of the Open Society Foundations
Michèle Flournoy, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of WestExec Advisors, Co-Founder, former Chief Executive Officer, and now Chair of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS)
Lloyd J. Austin III, United States Secretary of Defense
Albert Bourla, Chairman and CEO of Pfizer
Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna
Joaquin Duato, incoming CEO of Johnson & Johnson
Richard J. Pollack, President and CEO, American Hospital Association
Gerald E. Harmon MD, President, American Medical Association
Transcript: (Strong Language Warning)
Soros: Dr. Shah has asked me to run the call this morning so let’s go. Thanks to everyone for coming on today and thanks to all of you for assisting Klaus, Billy, and me in our first steps towards saving the planet for ourselves by vaxxing all those useless eaters!
Gates: I just want to second that George. You guys are doing just a magnificent job…we’ve got billions jabbed now…whole countries for god’s sake…how about those Israeli’s! They’re dropping like flies from the vax and blaming the unvaccinated! Not just in Israel but all over the world!
(General laughter ensues)
Schwab: It’s all working perfectly…we should kill off maybe a half to three-quarters of a billion people in the die-off from a combination of the side effects from inoculation and the antibody dependent enhancement feature that is just kicking in now!
Soros: Yes Klaus, and the important thing is that we are killing off the right people…Europeans, North Americans, Australians…the big consumers who are really depleting our natural resources and could create the greatest opposition to the Great Reset if they were to survive.
Bancel: (admittedly unintelligible) Grasophiscomisvax…ascomifnomarscopan? Zwampummitschmaltz?
Soros: Stephane…what the #uck are you saying? What’s the matter with you?
Bourla: Yeh, it’s a shame with Stephane. He set up this big production at Moderna with him supposed to be getting his vax in front of the cameras and some dumb shit on his staff actually injected him with the real Moderna vaccine instead of the saline solution that they were supposed to…now look at him.
Bancel: (admittedly unintelligible) (highly animated) MAXIGUCKSHUTHET…MUSLICKACSICOTROMILA
Fink: Listen, I think that we should drop Stephane from the call…he’s useless to us at this point and I’ve already had our board members at Moderna replace him anyway…get him off.
Bancel: (more intelligible and more highly animated) GUCKYOUSEFUNK…SHUTHETSUMBUTCH… MISMUNASSGUCK (host cuts off participant)
Duato: That’s why I am the incoming CEO at J&J…that dumb #uck Alex Gorsky let it slip that he got the saline like all of the rest of us and he just had to go…couldn’t keep his #ucking mouth shut…what an asshole.
Soros: Speaking of assholes, did you see that fake booster shot on the fake White House set that they gave to that fake Biden actor the other day? Even our boys in the press were having trouble covering for that one. Michele [Flournoy], you’ve got to call who’s ever running the show in DC for you and tell them to clean up their act…they’re not even trying to make it look real anymore.
Flournoy: You have no idea what a bunch of shit heads we have to work with there…we use C-list actors when we can and they generally stick to the script, but too often we have to use the real people…Blinken, Psaki, you name it, and it’s a shit show. The real staff people in there are even worse…they think that they are actually there for a purpose…like herding #ucking cats.
Shah: Michele, do you know what we are paying #ucking WestExec to staff the Biden regime? You cock suckers are worse thieves than the whores in Congress…you’re blowing our budget and we own the #ucking Federal Reserve!
Flournoy: I’ll get right on it Rajiv, but remember…it was your idea to put that absolutely demented cretin Biden and his band of incompetents in the White House…managing them is no walk in the park ya’ know…and that Hunter! Hunter! You make us cover for #ucking Hunter Biden! Where in god’s name did you find that absolute, total, #ucking loser? You own the Federal Reserve? OK, call up Janet and tell her to print another trillion dollars so you can pay us just to handle that jerk-off.
Shah: Alright, alright, alright Michele. Just, just handle it. George, go ahead with your agenda…
Soros: Yeh, how about the doctors and the hospitals…how are you guys doing on getting the death count up?
Pollack: It’s a masterpiece…never thought that it would go this good. All the vaxxed A-D-E cases are flooding in now while we are firing all the staff that won’t take the jab. We go to the press and tell them that we are being overwhelmed by unvaxxed delta variant patients and can’t handle the load, which is actually partially true because we fired everybody! We are withholding treatment from all the vaxxed A-D-E cases just like we did with the original fake flu virus and voila, the death count is through the roof and everybody blames the unvaxxed!
Harmon: It is a beautiful thing, but even better is that we are clearing the decks of all those miscreants with the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons who think that they know better than the AMA. You don’t #uck with the AMA…they’ll never learn. Anyway, we are continuing to withhold early out-patient treatment so that we can get everybody into the hospitals and Richy [Pollack] and his boys can take care of them from there. Did you see that absolutely hilarious stunt that they pulled at the University of Colorado hospital where they denied a kidney transplant to a vax denier and now she’s gonna die from renal failure? I wish that I had thought of that one.
Pollack: Yep, we’re gonna deny medical services to the vax deniers across the board…if we can’t kill them with the virus or the vax, we’ll get them when we slam the door when they really need us.
Pauly: Mon dieu, Robespierre would blush.
Buckley: You must know François that we control almost all of the hospitals in the country and the hospitals control almost all of the doctors in the country…and everybody knows who is buttering their baguettes, if you know what I mean.
Pauly: Je comprend absolument. C’est formidable!
Soros: Alright, last but not least we still have to be wary of the so-called patriots and that #ucker Trump who they think is their god. Lloyd [Austin], we’re just killing it right now (general laughter ensues)…we’ve institutionalized the vax mandates to cripple vital industries either through mass die-offs of the vaxxed or firing the vax deniers, the US military is about to collapse from the same mandates... is there anybody or anything that can stop us from your professional military perspective?
Austin: The brothers.
Pauly: Qu’est que ce the brothers?
Rothschild: C’est les negroes.
Austin: I beg your pardon Mr. Rothschild?
Rothschild: Ah, I mean the African Americans of course.
Austin: Yeh, right. Anyway, the brothers are on to the whole game and they ain’t takin’ it.
Gates: (in very low voice) I knew that boy Austin would #uck things up.
Austin: I beg your pardon Mr. Gates?
Gates: Nothing, nothing…just expressing my extreme respect for how you got your new job.
Austin: How’s that Mr. Gates?
Gates: You are definitely qualified from a diversity standpoint! You should be proud for your race putting you in your high position and all that! I want you to know that I am a great supporter of affirmative action!
Austin: Listen cracker…the brothers aren’t too happy with me right now and I don’t need to take any shit from you at the same time.
Soros: Don’t you worry about Billy here…he’s got all kinds of money to give to the colored people when he has to…and so do I. Anyway, you colored are always on our side when it comes to election day, right?
Austin: There were a lot of black faces at those Trump rallies…you white boys are getting a little too comfortable for your own good. And as for you Mr. Gates, we know how many of our brothers you murdered in Africa with your experimental vaccines…you’re not going to get us again.
Soros: OK Lloyd, then we don’t have to fear anything from the white supremacist Trump supporters but we do have to fear something from the colored?
Austin: I am sure that you will figure it out.
Soros: OK then, with that let’s wind things up! Anybody have any last words for the group?
Schwab: Hey, looking forward to seeing everybody in Davos in January for the World Economic Forum! This year we’ll be celebrating the first year of the Great Reset which is well under way! It’s going to be a blast…I mean we’ll have a great time if Trump doesn’t drop a daisy cutter on us…you know, not that kind of blast!
Shah: Oh my god Klaus…they must have affirmative action in Switzerland too.
[transcript ends]