Posted By: Morgan Date: Thursday, 21-October-2021 07:11:07
It is no secret I hate this realm. I'm aligned with the Cathars. (They didn't want to feed this cess pit, and considered breeding to be a sin. But they didn't want to hurt anything, either. They were mostly vegan, excepting fish. . .allegedly. I personally don't know about that, since it doesn't make any sense to me. I wouldn't be surprised if they ancient Cathars didn't eat fish. I doubt the 'real' Cathars of today eat fish. I don't, though I do eat diary, eggs and honey. But I'd be categorised as a 'listener', not next level up, which I can't recall the name of at the moment.) The Cathars consider this the realm of the demiurge. A selfish, psychopathic conditional POS that wants to be worshipped. Sounds like Enlil or the rather vicious O/T 'god'. Not a good thing. I condemn this place, and everything in it; including myself for choosing to have come here. But I've come here so many times. It took me how many lifetimes to come to the conclusion that THIS PLACE SHOULDN'T EXIST! Not as it is, and how it's been in recorded history, that is.
Glad to see what is, on its way out. I must admit I hope I'm going with it, because no matter how good it can get here, it's NOTHING compared to the better realms of the Otherside. I am NOT a fan of limitations and compromises.
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