We like to talk about The Sexual Force here and we like to explain that it is The Force active in life. You are a ping pong ball on an endless reaction loop. You can call it Karma, Fate, Random Chance. It's all the same thing when it's hitting on you. It is pleasant and unpleasant by turns. Sometimes you get a long run in one direction. You can pretty much expect that to change at some point. Happiness should NEVER be the objective. That direction is too steep and made of sand.
I think of the sexual force as like a snake. It goes one way, to go another, its body making S's and so on and so on. That is how it moves. It is sinuous. It is coiled at the base of your spine this very moment. Depending on the polarities in life, constructed in a MORE or LESS materially dense format, on that depends the level of bondage and darkness being experienced or the light and freedom otherwise. In Times of Darkness, it seeks to exit on particular floors of the building of your being. You can get trapped Down There! If one can CONTAIN this force, it will... by its nature, rise to the penthouse of your being, where all the light and freedom are to be found.
Since I desire Light and Freedom more than anything... except for the source of them, I contain my forces. It was doing this that has been responsible for a number of kundalini rising experiences I have had.
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