I've noticed several strange... events? Non Events? Governor Newsom, who disappeared from public view a couple of weeks ago... suddenly... allegedly... appeared at a couple of functions... and... and... skipped a major climate conference he was supposed to be present at in order to... to trick or treat with his children. Halloween must be very big in that family. Then... for a while, there was a casting call out for the Gv'ner lookalikes from some talent agency.
He had just gotten the vaccine booster.
He basically disappeared for two weeks, give or take.
Word started to go around that he had Bell's Palsy as a reaction to the vaccine and could not appear in public, lest people associate bad things with this toxic vaccine. I don't know what's what but I read the articles about his reappearance at a couple of functions, one of which was a wedding for a John Paul Getty heir. There was an isolated headshot of him in a mask (he could have been anywhere); well... he just got the booster shot, of course, he's wearing a mask... The article, which headlined Newsom being there, had no details whatsoever, and it was glossed over in the rest of the article. Now here's an eerie coincidence... the SAME THING happened at the next (or was it previous?) event. Woo Woo. He's the invisible man, but... but... he walks among us like The Phantom.
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