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Common Ground Independent Media

Prosecute The Persecutors

Posted By: commonman5150
Date: Saturday, 13-November-2021 14:42:10

Prosecute the Persecutors of Protestors
Persecution: A program or campaign to exterminate, drive away or subjugate people based on their membership in a religious, ethnic, social or racial group. Dictionary.com

At this point in time, I don’t think that there can be any doubt about what the Biden regime is trying to do to America. They have said it to our faces, “Build Back Better”. In other words, they want to destroy America and rebuild it as a Marxist, communist, socialist, whatever you want to call it, country. Why else would they abandon their obligation of securing the southern border, by letting millions of illegals in? Why else would they be forcing people to give up their bodily autonomy to take an unnecessary experimental gene therapy drug? Why else would they persecute anyone who doesn’t agree with the regime? Why are they systematically destroying our economy with intentional inflation and supply chain disruptions? Whether you liked Trump or not, the accomplishments of his administration cannot be disputed, his America first agenda produced record employment numbers, especially among women and minorities. Energy self-sufficiency, a secure southern border, and taking a stand against the CCP, were all undeniable benefits to the average American, maintaining our status as the leader of the free world. For the progressive/globalists of the New World Order, that had to stop. Everything the Biden regime is doing is calculated to destroy ALL of these accomplishments. They shut down the Keystone pipeline and limited drilling to stop America from being energy self-sufficient. They mandated vaccinations that will weaken our military, cripple vital industries like transportation, the supply chain and decimate vital services like health care and policing. Their open borders policy will bring in violent criminals and soon to be amnestied potential Democrat voters for the foreseeable future. Not to mention enabling a vast increase in child trafficking as well as drug trafficking. They divide people by race using the bogus “systemic racism” claim and the Critical Race Theory scam. They use their allies in big tech and corporate America to enforce “wokism” to further weaken and divide the country. From the censorship of “misinformation”, illegal raids of journalists by the FBI, to the actual imprisonment of the political dissidents of January 6th, these and other tactics all are forms of persecution the regime is using to destroy America, so they can “build back better”.
I don’t think there is any question that the doddering, farting, sharting, babbling, incoherent, incompetent fool in the White House is actually in charge. It would be funny if it were not so serious, it looks like the puppet masters aren’t even bothering to tell the puppet what they are doing. Look at the French/Australian submarine fiasco, and the $450,000 payments to illegals, dumb ass Biden didn’t know about either of them, until they were brought to his limited attention span by the press. (which by itself is astonishing, considering the state of todays news media). So, what you get is the White House having to constantly back-track Biden’s asinine statements. This is actually a perfect scenario for the puppet masters, they do whatever they want, and the fool in the oval office gets the blame. I’ve seen some pundits say the people who voted for Biden knew what they were getting, they knew he was an empty suit, but it was ok, because he was basically a harmless middle of the road Democrat and most importantly, he wasn’t Trump. If you look at the polls showing his rapid decline in popularity, and support of the far-left agenda of his puppet-masters, I believe you can make a pretty strong case of buyer’s remorse.

It’s hard to decide who is the most evil in this plot to destroy America. It doesn’t really matter, as all the players are doing their part, a real “team effort”. If any of them deviated from the plan it would fall apart. If the MSM actually started reporting ALL of the truth, if the DOJ actually prosecuted real criminals and traitors, if Big Tech didn’t censor everything that contradicts the official narrative, if the federal bureaucracy were not a part of the deep state, we wouldn’t be faced with the plight America is now having to deal with. All of them are guilty of the persecution of America.
The most egregious has to be the inhumane treatment of the January 6th protestors. The conditions at the Gulag in D.C. are so abominable that it makes what 3rd world countries do to their political prisoners seem humane. Stories of beatings, torture, solitary confinement, denial of medical treatment, and the brainwashing of these political dissidents is straight out of “1984”. Isn’t it alarming to anyone that it looks like they’re using Orwell’s book as a guide? Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene was initially denied access to the prison, a federal judge has held them in contempt, yet the inhumane treatment continues, getting only marginally better. These political prisoners are being held for months on end without bail and denied their constitutional right to a speedy trial, yet none have been charged with the January 6th “insurrection”. They have to get the jab if they want to get basic care, like a haircut or medical treatment, some have been forced to renounce Trump as a condition for better treatment. It’s unbelievable that this is happening in America. Juxtapose the treatment of these prisoners with the way the rioters, insurrectionists, the actual traitors who burned down city blocks, attacked federal buildings, and KILLED people have been handled by our justice system and it becomes blatantly obvious what the regime is doing, the political persecution of the opposition.

The DOJ, under Attorney General Merrick Garland has become a weapon used against political adversaries. The directive to go after parents as domestic terrorists is only the most blatant of his tactics. The raids on Project Veritas have been thoroughly denounced as illegal by legal experts such as John Turley and Gregg Jarrett. According to Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe, the FBI raided his house at 6 in the morning, handcuffed him and confiscated 2 of his cell phones containing reporter’s notes and conversations with his lawyers. This was done using the pretext of investigating a supposedly stolen diary of Ashley Biden, which isn’t jurisdiction of the FBI! O’Keefe has maintained he did not steal the diary, that it was presented to him by a confidential source. The contents of which he not only did not publish, but also turned over to the police! This happened a year ago, and now all of the sudden the FBI is dealing with it? According to one of O’Keefe’s lawyers the FBI leaked the notes on his cell phones to the slimy N.Y. Times, which is also illegal. Thankfully they were able to get an injunction to stop the FBI from continuing to look at his confidential notes and sources, but that didn’t stop the “Slimes” from running a piece based on those confidential sources, conversations and notes. It’s no coincidence that Project Veritas who has been uncovering the lies, corruption and misdeeds of not only the Biden regime, but Big Pharma among others has been targeted by the FBI and the DOJ. It sure seems obvious to my pea-brain their actual intent was to get their hands on those notes, the diary was just an excuse. They did the same to Rudy Guiliani, in regards to Hunter Biden’s laptop. (Of course, the DOJ/FBI is NOT doing anything about the obvious crimes of Hunter Biden, like lying on a federal firearms application for instance). This is nothing less than political persecution, plain and simple. Garland’s Gestapo’s latest target is conservative political pundit Steve Bannon, indicting him for contempt of congress, for refusing to co-operate with the partisan witch-hunt January 6th commission. Where is the A.C.L.U. in all of this? Where are the so-called “civil libertarians”? Where is the outrage for this obvious assault on the First Amendment? Nope, he’s an adversary, a conservative, so just like the January 6th protestors, he deserves what he is getting, the constitution be damned.
I’ve written ad-nauseum about the failure of the MSM to protect and inform the American people against the unconstitutional, criminality that has been running rampant not just during the Biden regime, but has been going on for decades! The best description I’ve heard is Mark Levin calling them a modern-day equivalent of the ancient Roman Praetorian guard. They have proven that they will do anything to protect the leftist progressive/globalists. Their failure to properly investigate the Russia-Gate hoax makes them as culpable as the Clinton campaign. They persecuted anyone who disagreed with their narrative. If someone’s life was ruined by their lies, it was no big deal, as long as Trump wasn’t re-elected. Carter Page and General Flynn are prime examples of their malfeasance. Today anyone who is against the policies of the current administration is labeled as either “domestic terrorists” “white supremacists” or racists by the MSM. When Virginia voters rose up and said they have control over their children and not the state, they were labeled as white supremacists, even though the voters of Virginia elected Winsome Sears as the first black woman to hold the office of lieutenant governor in that state, even though 51% of Hispanic voters, voted against McAuliffe,(who apparently now may be headed for a post at the White House, go figure) Remember how they trashed Scott Smith for trying to get the Loudon County Virginia school board to listen to his story of how his daughter was raped? He was persecuted by the mainstream press and used as an example of out of control, violent, domestic terrorist, parents threatening school boards. Now new emails show the National School Board Associations (NSBA) coordinated with the White House and Garland’s Gestapo. Why? Because parents who are opposed to the crap the progressives are shoving down their kid’s throats are a threat to the regime and need to be dealt with. Persecution.
The censorship by Big Tech of opposing thought, is the most insidious of all the persecutions done by the progressive/globalists. The suppression of anything that goes against the approved, official narrative is one thing, now they are enlisting the help of their fellow travelers in government to criminalize anything labeled as “disinformation.” You are hearing more and more leftist politicians saying that spreading Covid misinformation should be a crime. Doctors and scientists the world over are raising concerns over not only the efficacy of the jab, but the overall safety of it as well. Some countries in Europe have banned the jab in children because of health concerns like Myocarditis. You won’t hear anything about it on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, if you happen to stumble upon it, it’s removed forthwith. Recently, journalist Emerald Robinson from Newsmax had her Twitter account suspended for writing the truth about the ingredients in the Moderna vaccine, something that was easily provable by just looking at the vaccine patent Moderna applied for. Dr. Robert Malone, one of the architects of mRNA technology, and a critic of the jab has been censored. Since when is the truth and legitimate scientific discussion labeled misinformation? Since when are Big Tech executives, who are not doctors or scientists, qualified to determine what is misinformation? When? Now, because opposing views are harmful to the regime and must be silenced, or else the public will realize they are being lied too. On and on it goes, prominent doctors and scientists with impeccable credentials are being censored, just because they don’t agree with the narrative. Now, if the Praetorian Guard has its way, they will be punished judicially. Yet the lies of Fauci, Walenski, the FDA, the CDC and the NIH are left unchallenged. There have been numerous complaints about the FDA’s rapid approval of the vaccines and the booster, there are documents on alternate web sites that show the false information used to get the jab approved, but effective, alternative treatments are banned. A new pill developed by Pfizer, that according to their initial research has shown remarkable success in reducing Covid deaths is being delayed by the FDA. OSHA was ordered not to report vaccine adverse events by employers to the VAERS system. The average American who doesn’t research and question the validity of what these government agencies are saying and doing has no clue that he or she is being lied to because of Big Tech and media censorship. The truth is derided as a lunatic “conspiracy theory”. When in reality all of this is a persecution of the truth.
The Woke/cancel culture is another tactic of persecution employed by the left. The intent is to destroy traditional American values. They use issues like gender fluidity, or they attack traditional male roles in society, (toxic masculinity), or the typical western nuclear family. They stage phony outrage and demand apologies over some alleged thought crime, usually from someone’s long forgotten past to “cancel” them from society. They demand the removal of historical statues and artifacts, because of some perceived offense. There are the absurd attacks on language, mathematics, even our highway system. All of these are calculated attacks designed to destroy middle-class America, who they despise. The corporate cronies of the left have fallen in lockstep with the Woke crowd in the enforcement of politically correct “anti-hate” doctrines designed to rid the workplace of conservative voices and values. Maybe these cowardly corporate execs think that this will endear them to their masters, but it is only a matter of time before the left comes for them, true capitalism, not the crony capitalism being practiced today is the sworn enemy of the progressives, and as such, like the middle class, has to be eliminated.

It’s a very bleak picture to be sure. If you pay attention to what the left is saying and doing you may think that there is no hope to save our country from the progressive agenda. It is bleak, but not without hope. Around the world you are seeing hundreds of thousands of people protesting against the New World Order globalists, against the “Great Reset” program of the World Economic Forum and the U.N. In Australia, where Nazi-like police tactics are being used against the people, where unvaccinated people are being forced into detention centers, there have been massive protests. France and Italy are also seeing widespread marches against the tyrannical dictates of the globalists. While there haven’t been widespread protests here in America, you are seeing a kind of passive protest movement. People who are refusing to get the jab, parents speaking out at school board meetings, the exponential growth of alternative news and internet platforms, the chants of FJB and Let’s Go Brandon by crowds of people, are all signs the agenda of abolishing a free America isn’t quite going according to plan. I have faith in the American people, the folks that go to work every day, that care for their communities and their neighbors, that don’t give a damn what your skin color, religion or ethnicity is, as long as you’re not a jerk. I have faith that true Americans, the ones who embrace free speech and American exceptionalism, who, while tolerant of opposing views, cherish freedom above all else will keep the progressive/globalists from destroying our country. When we prevail, as I am sure we will, then it will be time to prosecute the persecutors. They must be brought to justice. I think we are actually starting to see that happen. The indictment of Russia Hoax conspirator Igor Danchenko by John Durham is, I believe, a very strategic move in his effort to bring these scum to justice. The collapse of the Russia-Gate hoax, exposes the MSM and Hil-LIAR-ly Clinton for the traitors and criminals they are. It’s a first step, but an important one, if Hil-Liar-ly goes, Obama is next, and then the dominoes start falling. The deep state must be crapping their pants about Durham, you hear the MSM saying that if this is all he’s got then it’s no big deal, but I believe they are whistling past their own graves, they know the gig is up and it’s only a matter of time before they become the hunted. At least that’s my hope and prayer!

Prosecute The Persecutors


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