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Common Ground Independent Media

But Still We Rise....Call to Action!!! The Apocalypse of Darkness ( Must Watch Bill Gates!)

Posted By: ReAnnaStar85
Date: Wednesday, 17-November-2021 02:58:00

I for one am thankful that the lies and corruption are finally being brought to light! I pray every day for a total collapse of this "Beast System"!! How exciting it is to be alive during this time! This is the Apocalypse....Of Darkness!! Now I believe it's time to start preparing for the future, this journey will not be easy, we must ask ourselves what kind of future we want to live in? What type of future we want for our children and grandchildren? We are in an abusive relationship with our current government and it's time to break up!!

*These are the TRUTHS I hold self evident:

- I am a free and sovereign citizen of this planet and no one has power over me except myself and my creator!

- Our Creator made it possible for us to experience this magnificant life and intended for every one of us to live peacefully and abundantly on this planet.

- Our Creator gave us Free Will and no person or entity has power over us unless we allow it.

- We have been decieved at every level and we must forget the lies we have been fed for centuries, reconnect with our higher selves and eachother and start living the way our Creator intended us to live.

The foundation of our country is built on Freedom and Christian values, Christs mission, as well as all of the other Ascended Masters, was to spread consciousness! These Demoncrats, Communists, whatever you want to call them have been infiltrating our country for half a centuary at least! They have infiltrated our churches, our schools, our government at every leval. They have worked tirelessly to sew seeds of division, deception, dischord and chaos, to destroy our health mentally, physically and emotionally! Their ultimate goal, which we have watch time and time again like a bad movie, is to completely dismantle our society and cripple our nation. And like every time before they will rush in at the perfect moment, presenting themselves as heros, offering a solution as long as we agree to further enslave ourselves!
Their biggest fear is being manifested, the Great Awakening Can't Be Stopped! We must continue to pray, and peacefully resist them at every turn! We must have courage, courage is nothing but Love In Action! We have the power to end this global tyranny once and for all!
The evil that is controlling and attacking humanity at every opportunity is a cancer! We must fight and eradicate this cancer, save ourselves and rebuild our planet! Thanksgiving is next week, a holiday celebrating a group of tough ass individuals who risked their lives to live freely as God intended! Like the pilgrims we need to remove ourselves from this system and start putting our faith in God and eachother! It's time to unite as human beings and start taking care of eachother!
Several world renowned doctors have warned that this "vaccine" is a bioweapon, warning of the unimaginable destruction that is to shortly come. The Globalists publish theis nafarious plans for genocide and all of their evil agendas in plain sight, "Public Notice" essentially. And because it is out in plain sight for all to see "ignorance" is no excuse and they view our silence as CONSENT!! It is time for us to take action and take our lives back. We are our own salvation! If thing dont change we will create our own downfall! We have become so spoiled, entitled and lazy....they have us exactly where they want us!!! Over the coming months weeks and years our choices and actions will determine our fate. In recent weeks the Biden Regime has been hinting towards war, and Bill Gates is "warning" or telling us rather that we should be seeing smallpox making a comeback!

Call To Action:

1- We have to stop attacking eachother and join forces against this common enemy. We must accept that life will never be the same, We are at war, we must learn from our mistakes and move forward into a brighter future.

2- All health care providers: natropathic, homeopathic, chiropractic, allopathic, traditional healers etc. should absolutely provide services to patients regaurdless of ability to pay! The Rockefeller Medical Industrial Machine has tainted the Health Care sector almost beyond recognition! Remember the hippocratic oath, and remember that medicine in every form should be about saving and improving the lives and health of our fellow humans! We need Health Care workers to rise above the beast system and fight for humanity! I personally offer my services to any person who needs them and I have helped hundreds of people!

3- No matter how you spin it we must realize and accept that the main power these creatures hold is by, with, and through $$MONEY$$, we are watching the world collapsing around us, and as scary as it is we must learn to function without their currency! My great great grandparents survived the Great Depression, and not only survived but thrived throughout the GD because they lived in a community that united as one and worked hard and took care of eachother! When things get "bad" it is imperative that we come together and love eachother, support eachother, combine our talents and resources to save humanity and rebuild our country from the ground up!!

4- We must educate as many people as possible about alternative forms of governance such as NESARA/GESARA and ignight a spark within the hearts of people around the world to demand change!!!

5- As a mother of 5 I know its hard to swollow....But every person should immediately remove your children from public schools! The education system in its current form is just as harmful and destructive to the health and well being of children! When you enroll your child in school you are giving them legal authority and custody of your child during school hours!

Now a little about myself:

My name is ReAnna, I am a traditional midwife, a natural healer and a mother of 5. I have been researching and speaking out about the devastating effects of the medical industrial complex, the family court system and government corruption for the past 16 years, and I think most will agree that our current system is rigged at every leval! When I started my journey down "The Rabbit Hole" I was a 19 year old first time mother who was bullied into poisoning my daughter!I was so neive, I had blind faith in the "system", I watched my tiny infant daughter writhing in pain and screaming for 24-72 hours straight, while she vomited and shit acid that melted her skin after her 2/4/6 month injections! Helpless I turned to her so called doctor who told me it was "normal"....I of course listened until she had a seizure....I immidiately quit vaccinating and started researching! My husban was given a copy of the book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About"...It changed my life! Everyday and every experience since then has been one of self discovery an enormous blessing of knowledge, understanding and growth. As a Health and Wellness Coach, Midwife and Educator I have been fortunate enough to extend this knowledge to hundreds of people! I also highly reccomend that everyone purchase a homeopathic remedy called Lachesis x12 or any strengh you can find! It is a treatment for smallpox and it may save lives in the coming months!!


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