Hi, I just wanted to come back here and personally thank you, for your words, Yes Our Heavenly Creator is wonderful and beyond compare,there is none greater,nor will there ever be. Thank you for all you have done. Our Birth families are holding back more than many realize. I am so happy for you that God has blessed you with a good man and you have 5 beautiful children,you are going to have to watch out and protect one another, through this last winter. I am part of God's plan too, big things are happening in God's plan. Keep smiling and keep being you, and may God continue to bless you even beyond your understanding.
I am
the oldmaninthedesert
: Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll!! Today is going to be a challanging
: day for so many of us! Dealing with family members who are
: still very asleep is stressful and infuriating at times! I
: am proud to hold the title of the black sheep(unicorn), I
: have been causing holiday chaos since the early 1990's! I
: realized that although my meat suit may share similar DNA
: with other humans doesn't mean that I have to put up with
: their abuse! Like all things in life we have a choice to
: continue toxic relationships despite familial ties or to
: continue letting people abuse and ostricize us! The fact is
: we are the "chosen ones", the ones who were sent
: to Earth to usher in the Great Awakening and wake up the
: sheeple...
: It's not an easy task but it is one that we chose because we
: were strong enough to accept the challange. Looking back
: throughout my life I have had many moments where I just
: wanted to be like everyone else, I realized at some point
: that everyone was looking to me for answers and guidance.
: When people are rude and ugly it's because I represent
: something they are to afraid to be! I am strong,
: intelligent, out going, fearless, fabulous, and I have
: unshakeable faith, I never have accepted the narrative and
: I have always gone against the grain, I am bold and not
: afraid to stand up, speak out and fight for what I know is
: right!
: We are the Great Awakening, and our time is now! Everyday I
: pray and give thanks for the blessings in my life. I have a
: beautiful life, a wonderful husband, 5 beautiful babies,
: and God has given me so many gifts and talents! Somedays it
: is hard to see through the ugliness in the world, it's hard
: to see through the ugliness of life...But I can say beyond
: a resonable doubt that everything I have gone through has
: transformend me into the person I am today. There is a
: saying, "You grow through what you go through"
: and it is so completely true. This last year has been one
: of the most challenging I have ever gone through, there
: were times I thought it would break me! Most recently we
: lost a baby, at 32 weeks, we named him Theodore Paul.
: During those days I felt like I was on auto pilot, and it
: was hard to see through the sarrow, but my family and I
: have grown, and allowed love to carry us through. God has a
: plan, and I trust the plan! Every time you fall you have to
: get up and brush the dirt off and keep moving forward! I
: had a dream last year and God showed me the future, it was
: beautiful, and as long as I live I will never stop working
: towards that future. It is painful watching people we love
: fall into the lies and manipulation, sometimes I get so
: worked up I want to scream! Then I remember that the answer
: is love, and if they can't or won't see the truth I must
: love them from a distance. Times are changing rapidly, and
: this Thanksgiving may be the last opportunity we have to
: spend with our loved ones. Make everyday count, make
: everyday full of love and thanksgiving, cherish every
: moment, and always give thanks! Have a beautiful day!
: Namaste