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JANUARY 2009 ______________



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Dr. Robin Falcov



Common Ground Independent Media


Posted By: SoulSearcher
Date: Sunday, 12-December-2021 13:16:41

I've worked in healthcare for 15 years and was probably the 1st person in Washington state who got fired for not taking the poke in August this year. I worked around around 100 people who were poked for those 8 months. I never felt or witnessed any shedding. It's just my opinion, but I don't think they can shed the mRNA. Maybe the virus, but not the mRNA. I was tested around 25 times (20+ for sure) and never failed.

Also I got it back in March 2020 before the tests were available. Went to work feeling fine, by noon I had a really sore throat and by the time I went home, I lost taste and smell too and thought Oh boy I must have it. I have a colloidal silver maker and a ozone generator at home. Been using both for 20 years now.

So I fired up both when I got home and drank at least a Qt. of silver and about the same of ozonated water. I also have silver gel which you can buy at Amazon along with the rest I think. So I smeared the gel all over my sinuses, and drank the silver and ozonated water. On top of that I took Airborne in what we'll say was "high amounts" initially. And by the time it was time for bed, it was basically gone. So in 6-7hrs, it was wiped out. I'm not sure if my taste and smell was back by then, but the next morning everything was normal again and I went to work and no one got it from me. Never had a cough, fever or runny nose. Just a REALLY bad sore throat. I could hardly swallow when I went home that day.

So what it sounds like is happening to you from my perch on the tree, is that 1) it's either still in you and lingering like you said, which you need to address ASAP, or 2) it may have been in you too long and done permanent damage? I'm thinking it's #1, because it didn't destroy my taste or smell.

I tell people to get this silver generator, because it looks like it runs on AC & 9 volt batteries. That way you can make it when there's no electricity. Mine is just a 9 volt one. https://www.amazon.com/Compact-Colloidal-Generator-LifeForce-Devices/dp/B007YX4GEW/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1DW96H2P6BL2F&keywords=colloidal+silver+generator&qid=1639329274&sprefix=colloidal+silver+%2Caps%2C255&sr=8-4

Then get this gel I talked about. It's also GREAT for tooth aches. Either smear it on the tooth or dip floss in it and floss between the teeth and around gums. The pain will be gone in 5 minutes. In your case, smear it on your forehead, cheeks, nose throat up to your ears. You can even eat some for your tongue. It's not going to hurt anything. I would just keep it out of the eyes as much as possible, but if you get a little in, no worries. https://www.amazon.com/Silver-Miracles-Colloidal-Gel-4oz/dp/B00830D9XO/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=Colloidal+Silver+Gel+-+4oz&qid=1639329552&s=beauty&sr=1-2

Amazon doesn't sell good ozone generators, so I would just buy this one and put some type of box over it (cardboard is fine) with a hole in it the same size as the hose you see on breathing masks. (1/4"?, or pencil size) Stick the hose in the hole into the box and tape around it. And buy one of those bubblers you see in fish tanks blowing out air, and stick that into the other end of the hose, and stick it into a glass of cold water. If the pressure isn't enough to go through the bubbler, take it off and just stick the hose into the cold glass of water. Let it bubble for 15 minutes or more and drink. Kind of play with the time so you get the strongest tasting water. That's how I started out doing it back in 2002 when there wasn't anyone to tell you how to do it. Don't worry about breathing it while you make it. Totally safe. Just don't stick your nose into the glass while you're making it or you will cough for a 1/2hr, but still no harm. You just instantly oxidized all the crap in your lungs. I've done it a few times, because I breath it like that.

Believe it or not, ozone is how we cured the wife's cancer back in 2002-2004 too. Bacteria, fungus, molds, virus and cancer are primitive organisms that can't live in high oxygen environments. Ozone is approved by the FDA for killing all but the cancer naturally, and the EPA says Oh no, it's air pollution when it's mother natures way of cleaning up the air and killing radiation from the sun. Think about that too ;) It doesn't block anything. It breaks it down or tears it to pieces might be a better visual. That's enough "science." :) It's the closest thing to a cure all there is, and I've been doing it for 20 years.

So get this generator if you want too, and do what I said. If the EPA was right I would have been dead 20 years ago. And the wife is still alive after 20 years now when she had breast, liver, kidney, intestinal and bile duct cancer. 18 tumors total. This isn't a medical grade generator, and the "experts" will cry foul, but take it from the guy on the ground. Any ozone is better than no ozone. https://www.amazon.com/Silver-Miracles-Colloidal-Gel-4oz/dp/B00830D9XO/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=Colloidal+Silver+Gel+-+4oz&qid=1639329552&s=beauty&sr=1-2

And this is the cheapest Airborne you can get. And trust me, you can take more than what they tell you at first, to get an initial doze in you. Then follow the directions. I'm not going to tell you what to take, because I may get in trouble the medical mafia. https://www.amazon.com/Airborne-Berry-Effervescent-Tablets-Count/dp/B07MHPDM5Z/ref=sr_1_3keywords=Airborne+Very+Berry+Effervescent+Tablets%2C+36+Count+%282+Pack%29&qid=1639331152&s=hpc&sr=1-3

I guarantee this recipe will knock any bug out of you within a day at most. I just helped another friend of mine who couldn't get rid of it after taking antibiotics. Gone within a day. Also silver is good for anyone with MERSA, the flesh eating one. I had someone who had been fighting it for over a year using the useless drugs Dr's give. I just taped a bandage soaked in silver to her leg and gone in a month.

So take it or leave it. There is a cure for all of it, and ozone is the closest thing to a cure all there is. Silver is faster and stronger in my opinion. So get the silver for sure if you have to choose. Let's go Brandon! :)


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