: http://www.smoking-mirrors.com/2022/01/you-have-to-go-beyond-appearances-to.html A friend alerted me some days ago that a commenter at Truthseeker has said something about me in one of the links that scroll across the main page there. I hear about that sort of thing, now and then, sometimes I come across it. No doubt I miss most of it. However... for some reason, I remembered this and, even though I knew it was no longer in the scrolling links of the day, I had no concerns about finding it. It was a video of some lady doing a Cliff Notes on the invisible planes that... she did not seem to have a comprehensive grasp of (only a few have that siddhi). I did see that she was sort of a gamine-pretty, elfish-looking creature... so, some guys would come and listen to her anyway.
I didn't come here to put her down, those were just my initial observations. The thing is, I wound up in this comments thread that was the longest, by far, that I had ever seen at Truthseeker, and it looked like most of the usual players showed up to make a statement. In the process of looking for the comment, I wound up reading every comment... every comment.
At first, I wondered to myself how it was that so many, very seriously intelligent and well-read people, could be so fatalistic, grim... sad... without hope and... more importantly... little faith as well. I don't have my work at Truthseeker because of the company there. I am there because I am fond of Rixon Stewart. There is an endless list of places where one can put their work. I don't bother anymore. I've been on quite a few, some of them with a global reach, but... places also that are run by people who banish conversation about God. Rixon is a man of faith. I KNOW this. There must be something about him that attracts so many eclectic (and in some cases, towering) intellects to his site.