They are saying that 5G rolls out tonight. Reference is made in the links below. As I look out upon The World through my virtual window I see mounting problems, fed by Satanic instrumentation and instruments. Let us see what outfits the Shadows of Fear are wearing today; war in Ukraine, COVID-COVID-COVID, killer vaccines, lockdowns, imported crime through open borders, courtesy of The Usual Suspects, Wild West conditions on urban streets, race hatred, courtesy of The Usual Suspects, rampant sexual perversity and the despoliation of Innocence, also courtesy of The Usual Suspects AND... the destruction of the education system, courtesy of The Usual Suspects AND... emergent Communism, courtesy of The Usual Suspects.
You can say, well... visible, what about The Deep State? What about threats from abroad? What about Doritos Flame Chips, for that matter? You can see menacing specters in whatever direction you turn. The Fear has been turned up to 11 on the Marshall Amp; the amazing monster paranoid machine is transmutating daylight into dreams. He's hiding in the curtain, but no one's really certain... why he doesn't want his amplifier seen. I guess it all comes down to the way you look at it.
Attitude has a palpable impact on the way events and conditions affect us. Attitude and Intention are among the most important features impacting on our perspectives, AND... our continuing well-being. There are a great many subtleties concerning whether the glass is half-full or half-empty, but we don't usually hear about them. There is what we know, and what we don't know. Our confusion comes about through too much emphasis on the former. We don't know anywhere near what we think we do. As scripture says, “Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” (I'm guessing that is rhetorical so there is no question mark to be employed at the end of the sentence).