The UK is removing the mask mandate. London is the financial center of The World. It had been said a time or two that Hong Kong was right up there, well... Hong Kong was London too. That is Rothschild turf. Restrictions were hot and heavy. Australia (Crown colony) got out of hand; is still out of hand. Ah the wriggling, slithering glide of reverse Kundalini snakes in the grass. Their poisons, like their blood, are black in the moonlight. They were hoping for the dark side of The Moon at noon. What's going on?
Is it a pause in the breath? Is it a moment of faux retreat? The kind of strategy where, “just when I thought I was out, they puuull me back in!” Yes... it could be just some Napoleonic thing where the hand never leaves the wrist. You look one way, they hit you from the other. The way events have been trending in recent years, it has been bad to worse with more to follow. Anyone paying attention can see there has been a half visible, flaming hoof-stamp on the Formica World surface of Temporary Things. The plastic smolders and stinks from the contact. The smell of Ozone in the air makes the hairs on the back of your neck tremble. Who made even all those ordinary people bad actors?
Who poisoned the minds of all those schoolteachers? Where did the plague of sexual dysfunction come from? Where are the heroes? Part of the problem is that only certain news is reported, and most of that is fabricated. The liars all agree with each other and it becomes fact. The media is a hydra with more than 7 heads because each of the seven heads has seven heads. How did all the corporations go so quickly into soulless hives of Stepford Lawyers and Silas Marner accountant clones?
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