One of the things you have to get your head around is that The Virus was manufactured. The vaccines were already waiting. If you trust The Science, then The Science (that place with all the microscopes and other things) tells you the vaccines are toxic... in all kinds of ways and initiates wars in the human body; as if there wasn't enough of that already.
Many are taken in by the drama. Some trust the government. Some trust the medical establishment and the doctors they see. Many trust The Experts and people who talk on TV. “Well... they wouldn't be on TV unless they were supposed to be.” In a way that would be true, because what is controlling the events that take place on your TV is also controlling you.
If you back it up a few steps, you can see where it is that The Good and The Bad come from in Humanity. It's like two very different rivers... and there are many tributaries. At a certain point, you realize that there is no Bad. That is just life operating without Understanding. It is the place where appetites and desires hold sway. It is The Carnal Realm. Beyond what we call Good and Bad is a place of infinite light... of many densities, and colors. We are light at this very moment, at a particular density in particular colors. We are Frozen Sunlight... sunlight in extension.
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