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H.R. 1599 The Dark Act it passed 275-150.

Posted By: HotCoffee
Date: Thursday, 23-July-2015 18:50:31

Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015

Sponsor: Rep. Pompeo, Mike [R-KS-4] (Introduced 03/25/2015)
Committees: House - Energy and Commerce; Agriculture
Committee Reports: House Report 114-208; House Report 114-208
Latest Action: 07/21/2015 Rules Committee Resolution H. Res. 369 Reported to House. Resolution provides for consideration of H.R. 1599 and H.R. 1734.

Shown Here:
Introduced in House (03/25/2015)

Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015

This bill amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require the developer of a bioengineered organism intended as food to submit a premarket biotechnology notification to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A “bioengineered organism” (commonly called a “genetically modified organism” or “GMO”) is a plant or part of a plant that has been modified through recombinant DNA techniques in a way that could not be obtained using conventional breeding techniques.

The premarket notification must include the developer’s determination that food from, containing, or consisting of the GMO (GMO food) is as safe as a comparable non-GMO food. For the GMO to be sold as food, the FDA must not object to the developer’s determination. If the FDA determines that there is a material difference between a GMO food and a comparable non-GMO food, the FDA can specify labeling that informs consumers of the difference.

A food label can only claim that a food is non-GMO if the ingredients are subject to certain supply chain process controls. No food label can suggest that non-GMO foods are safer than GMO foods. A food can be labeled as non-GMO even if it is produced with a GMO processing aid or enzyme or derived from animals fed GMO feed or given GMO drugs.

The FDA must allow, but not require, GMO food to be labeled as GMO.

The FDA must regulate the use of “natural” on food labels.

This bill amends the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 to require the Agricultural Marketing Service to establish a program to certify non-GMO food.
This bill preempts state and local restrictions on GMOs or GMO food and labeling requirements for GMOs, GMO food, non-GMO food, or “natural” food.

Cosponsor Date Cosponsored
Rep. Butterfield, G. K. [D-NC-1]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Scott, David [D-GA-13]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Ashford, Brad [D-NE-2]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Kirkpatrick, Ann [D-AZ-1]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Adams, Alma S. [D-NC-12]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Plaskett, Stacey E. [D-VI-At Large]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-20]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Schrader, Kurt [D-OR-5]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Whitfield, Ed [R-KY-1]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Ellmers, Renee L. [R-NC-2]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Collins, Chris [R-NY-27]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Wagner, Ann [R-MO-2]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Cramer, Kevin [R-ND-At Large]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Valadao, David G. [R-CA-21]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Newhouse, Dan [R-WA-4]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Nunes, Devin [R-CA-22]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Blum, Rod [R-IA-1]* 03/25/2015
Rep. Long, Billy [R-MO-7] 03/26/2015
Rep. Huelskamp, Tim [R-KS-1] 03/26/2015
Rep. Luetkemeyer, Blaine [R-MO-3] 03/26/2015
Rep. DesJarlais, Scott [R-TN-4] 04/13/2015
Rep. Perry, Scott [R-PA-4] 04/13/2015
Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2] 04/13/2015
Rep. Smith, Adrian [R-NE-3] 04/17/2015
Rep. Young, David [R-IA-3] 04/17/2015
Rep. Chabot, Steve [R-OH-1] 04/17/2015
Rep. Lawrence, Brenda L. [D-MI-14] 04/17/2015
Rep. Lamborn, Doug [R-CO-5] 04/17/2015
Rep. Fleischmann, Charles J. "Chuck" [R-TN-3] 04/23/2015
Rep. Byrne, Bradley [R-AL-1] 04/23/2015
Rep. Zinke, Ryan K. [R-MT-At Large] 04/30/2015
Rep. Graves, Sam [R-MO-6] 04/30/2015
Rep. Shimkus, John [R-IL-15] 04/30/2015
Rep. Amodei, Mark E. [R-NV-2] 04/30/2015
Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2] 04/30/2015
Rep. Grothman, Glenn [R-WI-6] 04/30/2015
Rep. Rooney, Thomas J. [R-FL-17] 04/30/2015
Rep. Cleaver, Emanuel [D-MO-5] 05/12/2015
Rep. Messer, Luke [R-IN-6] 05/12/2015
Rep. Jones, Walter B., Jr. [R-NC-3] 05/12/2015
Rep. Rokita, Todd [R-IN-4] 05/12/2015
Rep. Guthrie, Brett [R-KY-2] 05/12/2015
Rep. Ribble, Reid J. [R-WI-8] 05/13/2015
Rep. Fincher, Stephen Lee [R-TN-8] 05/13/2015
Rep. Costa, Jim [D-CA-16] 05/13/2015
Rep. Poe, Ted [R-TX-2] 05/18/2015
Rep. Ross, Dennis A. [R-FL-15] 05/18/2015
Rep. Tiberi, Patrick J. [R-OH-12] 05/20/2015
Rep. MacArthur, Thomas [R-NJ-3] 06/01/2015
Rep. Wenstrup, Brad R. [R-OH-2] 06/01/2015
Rep. Johnson, Bill [R-OH-6] 06/01/2015
Rep. Collins, Doug [R-GA-9] 06/01/2015
Rep. Young, Todd C. [R-IN-9] 06/03/2015
Rep. Barr, Andy [R-KY-6] 06/03/2015
Rep. Carter, Earl L. "Buddy" [R-GA-1] 06/03/2015
Rep. Marino, Tom [R-PA-10] 06/03/2015
Rep. Holding, George [R-NC-13] 06/03/2015
Rep. Harris, Andy [R-MD-1] 06/03/2015
Rep. Knight, Stephen [R-CA-25] 06/04/2015
Rep. Renacci, James B. [R-OH-16] 06/04/2015
Rep. Westerman, Bruce [R-AR-4] 06/17/2015
Rep. Thompson, Glenn [R-PA-5] 06/17/2015
Rep. Dent, Charles W. [R-PA-15] 06/17/2015
Rep. Bridenstine, Jim [R-OK-1] 06/17/2015
Rep. Mulvaney, Mick [R-SC-5] 06/17/2015
Rep. Hartzler, Vicky [R-MO-4] 06/25/2015
Rep. Lujan Grisham, Michelle [D-NM-1] 06/25/2015
Rep. Norcross, Donald [D-NJ-1] 06/25/2015
Rep. Franks, Trent [R-AZ-8] 07/13/2015
Rep. Woodall, Rob [R-GA-7] 07/14/2015
Rep. Pittenger, Robert [R-NC-9] 07/14/2015
Rep. Abraham, Ralph Lee [R-LA-5] 07/14/2015
Rep. Stivers, Steve [R-OH-15] 07/15/2015
Rep. Jordan, Jim [R-OH-4] 07/15/2015
Rep. Buck, Ken [R-CO-4] 07/15/2015
Rep. Bucshon, Larry [R-IN-8] 07/15/2015
Rep. Peterson, Collin C. [D-MN-7] 07/15/2015
Rep. Conaway, K. Michael [R-TX-11] 07/15/2015
Rep. Crawford, Eric A. "Rick" [R-AR-1] 07/15/2015
Rep. Davis, Rodney [R-IL-13] 07/15/2015
Rep. Moolenaar, John R. [R-MI-4] 07/15/2015
Rep. Rouzer, David [R-NC-7] 07/15/2015
Rep. Bost, Mike [R-IL-12] 07/15/2015
Rep. Rogers, Mike D. [R-AL-3] 07/15/2015
Rep. Goodlatte, Bob [R-VA-6] 07/15/2015
Rep. Neugebauer, Randy [R-TX-19] 07/15/2015
Rep. Gibbs, Bob [R-OH-7] 07/15/2015
Rep. Emmer, Tom [R-MN-6] 07/15/2015
Rep. Lucas, Frank D. [R-OK-3] 07/15/2015
Rep. Kelly, Trent [R-MS-1] 07/15/2015
Rep. Benishek, Dan [R-MI-1] 07/15/2015
Rep. Scott, Austin [R-GA-8] 07/15/2015
Rep. LaMalfa, Doug [R-CA-1] 07/15/2015
Rep. Yoho, Ted S. [R-FL-3] 07/15/2015
Rep. Walorski, Jackie [R-IN-2] 07/15/2015
Rep. Allen, Rick W. [R-GA-12] 07/15/2015
Rep. Noem, Kristi L. [R-SD-At Large] 07/15/2015
Rep. Kinzinger, Adam [R-IL-16] 07/15/2015
Rep. Gosar, Paul A. [R-AZ-4] 07/16/2015
Rep. Hurt, Robert [R-VA-5] 07/16/2015
Rep. Brooks, Mo [R-AL-5] 07/16/2015
Rep. Stutzman, Marlin A. [R-IN-3] 07/16/2015
Rep. Schweikert, David [R-AZ-6] 07/16/2015
Rep. Shuster, Bill [R-PA-9] 07/16/2015
Rep. Denham, Jeff [R-CA-10] 07/16/2015
Rep. Miller, Candice S. [R-MI-10] 07/16/2015



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