What a toxic load of weasel shit is the Crass Media at this time. From what I can see, Putin recognized the two counties, republics, (or whatever they are) in the Donbas mining area as independent states. So far... according to everyone except The Zio-News, which is most of the news, that's all that has happened, except for staged propaganda moments, fireworks masquerading as rocket attacks, and old video clips that happened at another time and place... maybe. You'll see some examples in the links.
They're pumping up this new festivity under orders from The Fraternal Order of Blood-Sucking Vampires, looking for a good body count on their next high-holy day. Everywhere you look, this one-note cacophony plays out over the government-approved klaxons. Instead of an ocean tidal wave, there is a tidal wave of bullshit rolling over The Land of the Stupids.
There are sections of The Press that include Lies vs Truth percentages; 99% to 1%, 80% to 20%, and maybe 60% to 40%, but it NEVER gets to 50% - 50%. Then we might have a middle section of half-truths, where a person could make up their mind about which direction to go in. The bad news is that whatever truth you think you find... simply circles back and disappears up that portal into darkness where The Sun don't shine.
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