Materialism is the breeding ground. When the survival challenges go away. When you don't have to cross the frontier... Human Nature trends toward comfort. Civilization is humanities' reaction to pain. A host of ills surface from this. Sexual perversity becomes more widespread, and the margins are pushed ever further and further apart. When you mess up human sexuality, the culture goes into its death throes. Sometimes it comes out the other side and sometimes it does not.
There are Laws in The Cosmos. They may not be readily apparent but... you will know when you run afoul of one. When you run afoul of Cosmic Law in the collective sense it is not a good thing... collectively.
The Bad Guys... perhaps I should say, 'the seriously deluded guys' are... becoming more and more serious about their delusions all the time. You can see that in the trend of events. You take any period of time that involves a few years and you can see what swerves and curves. After a while, you can see around the corner and all the way to The Bending End. This reference is concerned with the 'bending' aspect. When you can see something coming from a long way off, you don't have to be there when it arrives. This is something that the layman doesn't get about Karma; you can get up ahead of it by selfless service, which is currency at The Bank of Karma.
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