We now know that Fox News is owned and operated by Neo-Cons. I'm seeing the most outrageous fabrications there, without a scintilla of proof. Interestingly... Breitbart is 'owned' by Israeli interests or at least run by them. If you go there for any length of time you see this. It becomes proof-positive before your eyes. Anyone who wonders why I seldom include CNN or MSN, Huffington, Salon, and Slate or... Rolling Stone for that matter is that they are even more egregious liars and propagandists, AND... they are a celebration of The Carnal Mind. All of them are owned by The Usual Suspects. They are comprised of two factions. One is to the Right and the other is to the Left.
There are only a handful of sites that tell The Truth part of the time, AND... this I can understand because NO ONE knows The Truth, except The Truth herself. In my galaxy, it is designed that way. In my galaxy, Evil does not win, except over other Evil, back and forth. There is ALWAYS tension and simmering violence in Hell. Here is something else I can tell you that I am very confident is true. Hell appears on Earth at different times. It is certainly here when there are catastrophes, wars... and revolutions. Thank God it is all managed from above and within. Yes... Heaven is here and so is Hell. This is the place where they battle in the flesh, even though the main puppet-masters are invisible.
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