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JANUARY 2009 ______________



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Dr. Robin Falcov



Common Ground Independent Media

The Reset is going according to plan.

Posted By: Mike
Date: Thursday, 10-March-2022 18:31:19

Related to https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=194896
The Reset is going according to plan.

The confusion, divisiveness, mandate enforcement extremes ranging from nothing to brute violence (death to come soon), hope given and then taken, revelation of heretofore unguessed evil and much much more are all part of the reset plan.

Eventually the state of the planet will become so frustrating and frightening that the masses will demand a single unified legal code for the whole planet. This demand is the seed of a one world government and that government is a benevolent democracy, meaning rule by majority vote of demons (masses ruled by emotion). (This is the opposite of a kingship (godocracy). The American representative republic lies between as an effort to keep gods and devils, and the masses, from getting out of hand.)

The whole point of a one world democracy is to transfer ownership of the planet to an interested party not of this planet. This can't be done with the Earth carved up into a hundred some odd independent jurisdictions. There must be one legal legitimate majority voice speaking for the masses and then anything over 50% is a done deal the 49% be damned.

Naturally the interested party mentioned above is the one covertly herding the masses to their destruction. You can see the minions well enough but you won't see the interested party. It's very good at what it does.

The fascinating thing in all of this is that it is being accomplished by a covid 19 virus which literally does not exist. It is a meme (a mind virus, an idea) which has become endowed with flesh and will through the application of black sorcery. The masses were enticed to willingly use their individual and collective creative beliefs to source that which did not exist into existence. The creature is now ma-naged by black ma-gicians.

Early in the game irrefutable evidence that covid 19 did not exist came to light. At that point the universal demand should have been proof of the existence of this virus! That didn't happen. What did happen was that the interested party presented intrigue and drama as items of value for the long abused masses of this planet. The masses ate it up, even the highly intellectual classes.(Intellectual aptitude is not equal to intelligence. Different things.)

With growing acceptance of the lie that which did not exist came to be real with flesh and will and the ability to hurt and kill. The boot in the face is the body of the virus hurting another. The riots and burning of cities is the body of the virus in motion. The child dictator of Canada is the body of the virus attempting to strangle a nation and the same for numerous other places on the planet. The nonexistent virus has become flesh and blood, and truly dangerous. Those who believe in the virus are the body of the virus. They are not under their own control.

The point to this rambling is that everyone who participated and kept the lie going did infact exercise and work black sorcery. Unwitting participation is as effective as knowledgeable participation. It is creation. Religious and other beliefs do not matter. If you kept the lie going, if you believed it then you worked black sorcery.

In this technological world you are not supposed to remember that you are a powerfully creative being. You are supposed to believe that you are NOTHING while the black sorcerers and magicians use your creative ability. If -you- try to use that ability you will offend some god and be damned. Believe that!

The covid 19 creature is being restrained for the moment but it is by no means gone. The focus has been shifted to the Russian-Ukrainian !!!t show for a new and refreshing dose of subliminal terror to make your insignificant existence exciting and important in your own imagination. Yes! You too can participate in the creation of the Russian boogeyman and the poor little Ukrainian victim!

At the bottom of it all this is a spiritual war.

There are no rules in war.

The interested party mentioned above will gladly drive this planet to exhaustion by any means that works.

The question:

When the time comes and a world wide demand for a just and benevolent universal democracy is made will you help to create that monster also?


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