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In War All Plans Become Worthless When the First Bullet Flies...Trump's Plan is No Different

Posted By: MAXtheMAGAnificent
Date: Thursday, 17-March-2022 22:08:58

Suppose you are Field General Jacques Clouseau in a war and your headquarters are set up seemingly safely well behind your army troops at the front. Suddenly the enemy does an aerial assault on your headquarters, which even though well-defended you decide to abandon to the enemy. Your justification for abandoning the headquarters with its staff and defenders is that you want your enemy to take over your headquarters and act in your place as the leader of your troops. Your idea behind this is that your troops will be so unhappy with this new arrangement (being led by the enemy and being told to fight against their own military interests) they will rise up and reclaim your headquarters from the enemy, reinstate you as their general, and go onto defeat the enemy because they were so upset with the way the enemy ran things after you left them.

Does this sound like a logical, reasonable way to achieve military victory, or any type of victory for that matter? I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that Sun Tzu would approve…yet this is exactly what we are being told is the grand strategy of Trump and the “white hats” to defeat the globalists and the Deep State (the megalomaniacal psychopaths who seek to destroy Western society and culture and replace it with a transhumanist dystopia that they alone will run for their own pleasure) who are running the USA and much of the free world today.

What we are being told by Q and our friends in the alternative media (who know exactly what is really going on) while our country is being systematically taken apart and we are on the verge of a world war, is that Trump and his people knew all of this was going to happen and we should sit back and enjoy the show (with popcorn of course) while their fantastic plan works to make everything right again, really soon! Sound logical and reasonable?

Well, we know for sure that the government of the United States of America was overthrown on November 3, 2020, with definitive confirmation of that fact on January 20, 2021. We know that the Trump Administration knew in advance that the election that resulted in its overthrow would be stolen by insurrectionist traitors aided and abetted by foreign governments and globalists. We know that even though Trump’s team put up a good show of trying to right the election through the courts and in the Congress prior to the 2021 inauguration, that they ultimately chose to walk away from a winnable fight for their rightful power when those thoroughly corrupted institutions (courts and Congress) would not even hear their entreaties. Just like General Jacques Cousteau in the ridiculous military scenario that I posited at the beginning of this article, Trump said “we’ll be back in some form” just before he boarded AF1 to fly away from his rightful seat of power that cold January day in 2021…but it was all part of the plan to bring down the traitors and globalists once and for all don’t ya know!

Now here’s the plan…we let the traitors and the globalists steal the election and take over the government. We do this so that we can show the people what a really miserable bunch of evil people these traitors and globalists are because they are going to make a total mess of not only the USA, but the whole world with their illicitly gained power (that we let them have). Then, when the people are thoroughly disgusted with these evil bastards who are running everything into the ground, the “white hats” will miraculously perform a counter-revolution to restore the Republic to its duly elected constitutional leaders through something called “devolution”…and they will do it with the full-throated support of the otherwise oblivious people who have been awakened to the evil that had been ruining their lives. Does this sound familiar? Something like General Jacques Cousteau’s plan?

You know what…if there really are white hats working with Trump out there trying to execute on this plan because they really are patriots and they really want to restore our Republic, that’s very nice and I appreciate their intentions. But really guys, look at what you have allowed to happen by walking away from an entirely winnable fight to retain the most critical political high ground in the free world…the economy is collapsing, we are being invaded by who-knows-who by the millions along our southern border and the invasion is being actively encouraged and sanctioned by the US government which is colluding with the drug cartels to make it all happen (along with uncontrolled drug and human trafficking), our major cities are being turned into dystopias that even Mad Max would find uncomfortable, we are on our way to a starvation level food crisis, inflation is turning hyper, our supply chains for everything that makes life possible are shutting down, our federal law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies are being turned on the American people in the manner of the East German Stasi, our foreign adversaries are viewing the US as road kill, our military has been turned into an LGBTQP+ social experiment that is more concerned with “equity” than defending anything, and, to top things off, the government that you let happen is trying its best to get us into a thermo-nuclear war with Russia. Was this all part of your plan? Is this what you wanted to see happen to America in order to wake up the oblivious so that they would support you when you restored the Republic? If it was part of your plan, did you ever think that maybe when this all happened that things might become so chaotic and so completely out of control that the whole thing might blow up before you could save it?

None of this would have happened…none of it…if you had had the guts and/or the intelligence to fight the good fight and bring these evil bastards down when you held the high ground and all the instrumentalities of government in your hands and you could have stopped them in their tracks right then and there, right here in America. You, Donald Trump walked away from us, We the 85 million People who actually voted for you, when you walked away from the fight that you should have fought to save our duly elected constitutional government (your own administration for God’s sake) when you had a real chance to do it between November 3, 2020 and January 20, 2021. But we’re told that you and the white hats had this plan and this was the only plan that could win the war that was being waged against America and the rest of the free world by the globalists. Well here’s the deal: if you are going to turn this clusterf**k around that you have allowed to happen as part of your glorious plan, you better do it now because the way things are going there won’t be anything left to turn around in a very little while.

We’ll be anxiously watching and waiting…because We the People are always the first to get thoroughly f**ked when things don’t go according to plan.


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