So often I wonder how people get the way they do. Of course, modern society disconnects you from your humanity. You get alienated and isolated... disenfranchised would apply, like a side order of fries, with the main course being a showing of Cannibal Holocaust. Everything I see in this hurdy-scurvy world serves to convince me how very... very fortunate I am to KNOW that there is a God and to be intimate with him/her/it; however your pronouns handle that.
I wonder if pro-noun means that they are not real nouns, but... someone is in favor of their maybe... someday... becoming a real noun; a sort of Pinocchio story... “I'm a real boy!” How do I remember these things? It's my fault, of course, I grew too fast when I was young, having to constantly get out of the way of things... coming at speed, and... you don't get an instruction manual on arrival.
There are instruction manuals; The Way of Life by Witter Bynner. The New Testament, The Eight Fold Path, The Bhagavad Gita, The Emerald Tablet... but, you don't get these early on. A certain amount of grief comes your way when you are totally defenseless. I can't answer any of that. Karma is all I can come up with, and... I did not come up with it. Reincarnation has been proven many times by prodigies, past-life recall; fluently speaking foreign languages that the person had no exposure to, intimate remembrances of somewhere they have not been in that life. I'm not going to get started on it. The evidence is overwhelming from my perspective and I don't really care if anyone else believes it.
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